14. О покаянии и отпущении грехов
159. Кто хочет спастись, тот должен исповедовать свои грехи и творить покаяние.
160. Исповедание грехов есть познание зла, зрение его в себе, признание его, обвинение и осуждение себя за него. Когда это делается пред Богом, то сие есть исповедание грехов.
161. Творение покаяния есть оставление грехов и ведение новой жизни по заповедям благолюбия и веры, после исповедания грехов и моления от смиренного сердца об отпущении их.
162. Кто только в общем признается, что он грешник, и обвиняет себя во всяком зле, а между тем не испытывает самого себя, то есть не видит своих грехов - тот, хотя и творит исповедь, все же не исповедь покаяния; и так как он не знает своего зла, то после покаяния живет так же, как жил до того.
163. Кто живет жизнью благолюбия и веры, тот ежедневно творит покаяние, размышляет о зле, которое в нем, признает его, остерегается его и молит Господа о помощи; ибо человек сам по себе падает беспрестанно, но Господом беспрестанно восстанавливается и ведется к добру. Таково состояние тех, которые находятся в добре; те же, которые во зле, беспрестанно падают, и тоже Господом беспрестанно восстанавливаются, но они лишь отводятся от того, чтобы не впасть в величайшее зло, к которому из себя они стремятся со всей силой.
164. Человек, испытывающий себя ради покаяния, должен испытывать свои помышления и намерения своей воли, и из них узнавать, что бы он стал делать, если бы все ему было позволено, то есть если бы он не боялся законов, потери славы, чести и выгод. В помышлениях и намерениях воли заключается все зло человека; зло, которое человек делает телесно, происходит из них. Те, которые не испытывают зла своих мыслей и воли, не могут творить покаяния; ибо после покаяния они мыслят и хотят одинаковым образом, как и до того; поэтому хотение зла уже есть делание его. Таково испытание самого себя.
165. Покаяние уст, а не жизни, не есть покаяние. Грехи не отпускаются вследствие покаяния уст, но вследствие покаяния жизни. Господь непрестанно отпускает грехи человеку, ибо Он само Милосердие; но грехи прилеплены к человеку, как бы он ни думал, что они ему отпущены; они не иначе удаляются от него, как чрез жизнь согласно заповедям истинной веры. Поскольку он живет согласно им, постольку они удалены, постольку они отпущены ему.
166. Люди думают, что когда грехи отпускаются, то они стираются и смываются, как нечистота водою; в действительности же грехи не стираются, а только отдаляются, то есть человек удерживается от них, пока он содержится Господом в добре; поэтому, когда он содержится в добре, то ему кажется, что он безгрешен и что, таким образом, грехи стерты; а содержаться в добре он может лишь тогда, когда он преобразовывается. Каким образом человек преобразовывается, будет сказано в следующем учении о возрождении. Кто думает, что грехи отпускаются иначе, тот весьма ошибается.
167. Признаки прощения грехов, то есть их удаления, суть следующие: человек чувствует усладу в почитании Бога ради самого Бога и в служении ближнему ради ближнего; таким образом, в делании добра ради добра и в говорении истины ради истины; и поступая по благолюбию и вере, он не присваивает себе заслуги, избегает и отворачивается от зла, как-то: от вражды, ненависти, мщения, прелюбодеяния, и даже от самой мысли о них, когда она сопряжена с намерением.
Признаки неотпущения грехов, то есть неудаления их, суть следующие: человек почитает Бога не ради Бога, и служит ближнему не ради ближнего; то есть не делает добра и не говорит истины ради добра и истины, но ради себя и мира, желая посредством своих дел приобрести заслугу; поэтому зло, как то: вражда, ненависть, лицемерие, прелюбодеяние не доставляет ему неудовольствия, и он свободно из них мыслит.
168. Покаяние, совершаемое в состоянии свободы, имеет значение; совершаемое же в принуждении - не имеет. Состояния принуждения суть: состояние болезни, уныния души вследствие несчастья, боязнь смерти и состояние страха, в котором утрачивается рассудок. Злой человек, обещающий в состоянии принуждения покаяться и даже делающий добро, приходя в состояние свободы, опять возвращается к прежней злой жизни. Иначе обстоит дело с добрым человеком.
169. Человек, испытав себя, признав свои грехи и покаявшись в них, должен постоянно пребывать в добре до конца жизни; ибо если он опять впадает в прежнюю злую жизнь и к ней привязывается, то совершает осквернение, ибо связует зло с добром, вследствие чего его последнее состояние делается хуже первого, согласно словам Господа:
Когда нечистый дух выйдет из человека, то ходит по безводным местам, ища покоя, и не находит его; тогда говорит: возвращусь в дом мой, откуда я вышел. И пришедши, находит его незанятым, выметенным и убранным. Тогда идет и берет с собою семь других духов, злее себя, и вошедши, живет там: и бывает для человека того последнее хуже первого Мф. XII. 43-45.
170. From the Heavenly Arcana.
Concerning Sin, that is Evil. There are innumerable kinds of evil and falsity, 1188, 1212, 4818, 4822, 7574. There is evil from falsity, there is falsity from evil, and there is evil and falsity from thence, 1679, 2243, 4818. What the evil of falsity is and what its quality, 2408, 4818, 7272, 8265, 8279. What the falsity of evil is, and what its quality, 6359, 7272, 9304, 10302. Concerning evils by which a man incurs guilt, and concerning those by which he does not incur guilt, 4171, 4172. Evils arising from the understanding, and evils arising from the will, 9009. The difference between prevarication, iniquity, and sin, 6563, 9156. All evils adhere to a man, 2116. Evils cannot be taken away from a man; he can only be withheld from them and kept in good, 866, 868, 887, 894, 1581, 4564, 8206, 8393, 8988, 9014, 9333, 9446-9448, 9451, 10057, 10109. The Lord alone causes a man to be withheld from evil, and kept in good, 929, 2406, 8206, 10109. Thus only, are evils and sins removed, and this is brought about successively, 9334-9336. This is done by the Lord through regeneration, 9445, 9452-9454, 9938. Evils preclude the Lord's entrance, 5696. A man ought to abstain from evils in order to receive good from the Lord, 10109. Good and truth flow in, in the proportion in which there is an abstention from evils, 2388, 2411, 10675. Being withheld from evil and kept in good is remission of sins, 8391, 8393, 9014, 9444-9450. The signs whether sins are remitted or not, 9449, 9450. The remission of sins consists in looking at things from good, and not from evil, 7697. Evil and sin are a separation and a turning away from the Lord; and this is signified by evil and sin in the Word, 4997, 5229, 5474, 5746, 5841, 9346. They are also, and signify a separation and a turning away from good and truth, 7589. They are, and signify what is opposed to Divine order, 4839, 5076. Evil means damnation and hell, 3513, 6279, 7155. Unless it is known what evil is, it is not known what hell is, 7181. Evils are as it were heavy, and of themselves fall into hell; likewise falsities from evil, 8279, 8298. Unless it is known what the love of self and the love of the world are, it is not known what evil is, 4997, 7178, 8318. All evils are from those loves, 1307, 1308, 1321, 1594, 1691, 3413, 7255, 7376, 7488, 7491, 8318, 9335, 9348, 10038, 10742. All men how many soever, are born into evils of every kind, so much so, indeed, that their Self is nothing but evil, 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10731. Wherefore a man must be born again, that is, regenerated in order to receive a life of good, 3701. A man casts himself into hell when he does evil from assent, afterwards from purpose, and at last from delight, 6203. They who are in the evil of life, are in the falsities of their own evil, whether they know it or not, 7577, 8094. Evil would not be appropriated to a man, if he believed, as is really the case, that all evil is from hell, and all good from the Lord, 4151, 6206, 6324, 6325. In the other life evils are removed from the good, and goods from the evil, 2256. All in the other life are let into their interiors; the evil, thus, are let into their evils, 8870. In the other life its own punishment is contained in evil, and its own reward in good, 696, 967, 1857, 6559, 8214, 8223, 8226, 9048. In the other life a man does not suffer punishment for hereditary evils, because he is not to blame for them, but for his actual evils, 966, 2308. The interiors of evil are foul and filthy, however differently they may appear in the outward form, 7046. Evil is attributed in the Word to the Lord, and yet nothing but good proceeds from Him, 2447, 6071, 6991, 6997, 7533, 7632, 7677, 7926, 8227, 8228, 8632, 9306. Likewise anger, 5798, 6997, 8284, 8483, 9306, 10431. Why it is said so in the Word, 6071, 6991, 6997, 7632, 7643, 7679, 7710, 7926, 8282, 9010, 9128. What is meant by bearing iniquity, when said of the Lord, 9937, 9965. With the good who are infested and tempted, the Lord turns evil into good, 8631. Permission means leaving a man to do evil, according to his own freedom, 10778. Evils and falsities are ruled by the Lord through the laws of permission; and they are permitted for the sake of order, 7877, 8700, 10778. The permission of evil by the Lord is not the permission of one who wills, but of one who does not will; but on account of the pressure of the end, no help can be brought, 7877.
171. Concerning Falsity. There are innumerable kinds of falsity, namely, as many as there are evils; and evils and falsities are according to their origins, which are many, 1188, 1212, 4729, 4822,7574. There is a falsity from evil, that is, the falsity of evil; and there is an evil from falsity, that is, the evil of falsity; and there is again falsity therefrom, 1679, 2243. From a falsity which has been assumed as a principle, falsities flow in a long series, 1510, 1511, 4717, 4721. There is a falsity from the lusts of the love of self and of the world; and there is a falsity from the fallacies of the senses, 1295, 4729. There are falsities of religion, and there are falsities of ignorance, 4729, 8318, 9258. There is falsity in which is good, and falsity in which there is no good, 2683, 9304, 10109, 10302. There is what is falsified, 7318, 7319, 10648. The falsity of evil, its quality, 6359, 7272, 9304, 10302. The evil of falsity, its quality, 2408, 4818, 7272, 8265, 8279. The falsities from evil appear like rain-clouds and impure waters over the hells, 8137, 8138, 8146. Such waters also signify falsities, 739, 790, 7307. Those who are in hell speak falsities from evil, 1693, 7351, 7352, 7357, 7392, 7699. Those who are in evil cannot do otherwise than think what is false when they think from themselves, 7437. There are falsities of religion which agree with good, and such as disagree, 9258. If falsities of religion do not disagree with good, they produce evil only with those who are in evil of life, 8318. Falsities of religion are not imputed to those who are in good, but to those who are in evil, 8051, 8149. Every falsity may be confirmed, and when it has been confirmed it appears like truth, 5033, 6865, 8521, 8780. The confirmation of falsities of religion ought to be carefully guarded against, because chiefly by such means arises a persuasion of falsity, 845, 8780. How injurious the persuasion of falsity, 794, 806, 5096, 7686. The persuasion of falsity constantly stirs up confirmations of falsity, 1510, 1511, 1677. Those who are in the persuasion of falsity are inwardly bound, 5096. When those who are in a strong persuasion of falsity, in the other life approach others, they close up their Rational, and as it were suffocate them, 3895, 5128. Truths which are not genuine, and also falsities, may be consociated with genuine truths; but such falsities as contain good, and not falsities in which is evil, 3470, 3471, 4551, 4552, 7344, 8149, 9298. Falsities in which there is good are accepted by the Lord as truths, 4736, 8149. The good, the quality of which comes from a falsity, is accepted by the Lord, if there be ignorance, and in it innocence, and a good end, 7887. Evil falsities truth, because it leads the truth away towards evil, and applies it to evil, 8094, 8149. Truth is said to be falsified, when through confirmation it has been applied to evil, 8062. Falsified truth is opposed to truth and good, 8062. Further statements concerning the falsifications of truth, see 7318, 7319, 10648.
172. Concerning profanity and profanation, spoken of above in the Doctrine, at 169. Profanation is a commingling with a man, of good and evil, and also of truth and falsity, 6348. None other can profane goods and truths, that is, the holy things of the Church and of the Word, except those who first acknowledge them, believe them, and still more live according to them, and afterwards decline from faith, do not believe the above things, and live for themselves and the world, 593, 1008, 1010, 1059, 3398, 3898, 4289, 4601, 10284, 10287. He who in youth believes truths, and afterwards does not believe them, commits profanation slightly; but he who afterwards confirms himself in truths, and then denies them, commits profanation grievously, 6959, 6963, 6971. They who believe truths, and live badly, also commit profanation; likewise they who do not believe truths, and lead a holy life, 8882. If a man after repentance of heart relapses into his former evils, he commits profanation, and then his latter state is worse than the former, 8394. Those who in the Christian world defile the holy things of the Word by unclean thoughts and speeches, commit profanation, 4050, 5390. There are various kinds of profanation, 10287. Those who have not acknowledged holy things, cannot profane them, still less those who are not acquainted with them, 1008, 1010, 1059, 9188, 10287. Those who are within the Church are capable of profaning holy things, but not those who are outside of it, 2051. Because the Gentiles are outside the Church, and have not the Word, they cannot commit profanation, 1327, 1328, 2051. Neither can the Jews profane the holy interior things of the Word and the Church, because they do not acknowledge them, 6963. Wherefore interior truths were not disclosed to the Jews; for if they had been disclosed and acknowledged by them, they would have profaned them, 3398, 3479, 6963. Profanation is meant by the Words of the Lord quoted above at 169:
When the unclean spirit goeth out of a man, he passeth through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth it not. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man becometh worse than the first Matt. xii. 43-45.
By the unclean spirit going out of a man, is signified the repentance of him who is in evil; his passing through dry places and not finding any rest signifies, that the life of good to such a person is of that quality; the house into which he returns, and which he finds empty, swept, and garnished, signifies the man himself and his will, as being without good; the seven spirits which he takes to himself and with whom he returns, signify evil conjoined to good; his new state then being worse than his former state, signifies profanation: this is the internal sense of these words, for the Lord spoke by correspondences. The same thing is meant by the words of the Lord to him whom He cured at the pool of Bethesda:
Behold, thou art made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing came unto thee than before John v. 14.
As well as, by these words of the Lord:
He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them John xii. 40;
where being converted and healed, signifies committing profanation, which takes place when truth and good are acknowledged, and afterwards rejected; this would have taken place, if the Jews had been converted and healed, as was stated above.
The lot of profaners in the other life is the worst of all, because the good and truth which they acknowledged remains, and also the evil and falsity; and since they cohere, there ensues a tearing asunder of the life, 571, 582, 6348. Wherefore the Lord provides most carefully against the commission of profanation, 2426, 10287. A man therefore is withheld from acknowledgment and faith, if he cannot remain therein to the end of his life, 3398, 3402. On this account also a man is rather kept in ignorance and in external worship, 301-303, 1327, 1328. The Lord also hides away in a man's interiors the goods and truths which he has accepted by acknowledgment, 6595. Lest interior truths should be profaned, they are not revealed before the Church is at its end, 3398, 3399. Wherefore the Lord came into the world, and laid open interior truths, when the Church was wholly vastated, 3398. See what has been adduced on this subject in the work on The Last Judgment and the Destruction of Babylon, 73, 74. Babel, in the Word, signifies the profanation of good, and Chaldea, the profanation of truth, 1182, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1306-1308, 1321, 1322, 1326. These profanations correspond to the prohibited degrees, that is, to the foul adulteries, spoken of in the Word, 6348. Profanation was represented in the Israelitish and Jewish Church by eating blood; wherefore this was so severely prohibited, 1003.