3. О добре и истине
11. Все во вселенной, находящееся в согласии с Божественным порядком, относится к добру и истине. Нет ничего ни на небе, ни в мире, что не относилось бы к ним. Причина тому та, что как добро, так и истина исходят от Божественного, которое начало всему.
12. Отсюда явствует, что нет ничего важнее для человека, как знать, что есть добро и истина; а также, каким образом одно взирает на другое и одно связуется с другим. Более же всего это необходимо человеку Церкви, потому что как все принадлежащее небу относится к добру и истине, так и все принадлежащее Церкви, ибо добро и истина неба суть также добро и истина Церкви; поэтому первоначально будет рассмотрено добро и истина.
13. Согласно Божественному порядку, добро и истина должны быть связаны, а не разделены, при том так, чтобы они были одно, а не два. Ибо они исходят связанными из Божественного и связанными пребывают на небе, а потому должны быть связанными и в Церкви. Связь добра и истины называется на небе небесным супружеством, ибо в этом супружестве состоят все, находящиеся на небе. Отсюда происходит, что в Слове небо сравнивается с супружеством и что Господь именуется женихом и супругом, а небо невестой и супругой, равным образом и Церковь. Небо и Церковь именуются так потому, что находящиеся в них воспринимают божественное Добро в истинах.
14. Все разумение и вся мудрость ангелов происходят из сего супружества, ничто же - из добра, отделенного от истины, ни от истины, отделенной от добра. То же самое относится к людям, принадлежащим к Церкви.
15. Так как связь добра и истины есть подобие супружества, то ясно, что добро любит истину, и наоборот, истина любит добро, и одно желает связи с другим. Человек Церкви, не имеющий такой любви и такого желания, не находится в небесном супружестве, а потому еще не имеет в себе Церкви, ибо связь добра и истины образует Церковь.
16. Добро бывает многих родов; в общем существует духовное добро и естественное добро; и то и другое связаны в истинно-нравственном добре. Каково добро, такова и истина, потому что истина принадлежит добру и есть форма добра.
17. Отношения, существующие между добром и истиной, существуют из противоположности (с отношениями) между злом и ложью, а именно, как во вселенной все согласное с Божественным порядком относится к добру и истине, так все противное Божественному порядку относится ко злу и лжи. Так же, как добро любит быть связанным с истиной, так и зло любить быть связанным с ложью, и наоборот. Затем, - как всякое разумение и мудрость рождаются от связи истины и добра, так и всякое безумие и безрассудность - от связи зла и лжи. Связь зла и лжи называется адским супружеством.
18. Из того, что зло и ложь противоположны добру и истине, явствует, что истина не может быть связана со злом, ни добро - с ложью, происходящей из зла. Если истина присоединяется ко злу, то она более не истина, но ложь, потому что искажена; и если добро присоединяется ко лжи, происходящей из зла, то оно более не добро, но зло, потому что осквернено; однако ложь, происходящая не от зла, может быть связана с добром.
19. Кто по убеждению и по жизни находится во зле и из него во лжи, тот не может знать, что есть добро и истина, потому что он почитает свое зло за добро, а из этого почитает свою ложь за истину. Всякий же, находящийся по убеждению и по жизни в добре, а из него в истине, может знать, что такое зло и ложь. Причина сему та, что все добро и его истина по существу своему небесны, а то, что в них и не небесно, все же небесного происхождения; тогда как все зло и его ложь по существу своему адские, а что по существу своему и не адское, все же происходит из него. Все небесное находится в свете, а все адское - во тьме.
20. From the Heavenly Arcana.
Each and all things in the universe have relation to good and truth, or to evil and falsity, those things which are in Divine order, and take place according to Divine order, to good and truth, and those which are in opposition thereto, to evil and falsity, 2452, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122. Thus with man they have relation to the understanding and will, because the man's understanding is the recipient of truth, or of falsity; and his will the recipient of good, or of evil, 10122. Few at the present day know what truth is in its genuine essence because it is so little known what good is, when yet all truth is from good, and all good is through truths, 2507, 3603, 4136, 9186, 9995.
There are four kinds of men: 1. They who are in falsities from evil; and in falsities not from evil. 2. They who are in truths apart from good. 3. They who are in truths, and through them regard, and aspire to, good. 4. They who are in truths from good. But of each of these, specially.
21. Concerning those who are in falsities from evil, and those who are in falsities not from evil; thus, concerning falsities from evil, and falsities not from evil.
There are innumerable kinds of falsity, as many, indeed, as there are evils; and the origins of evils and the falsities from them are many, 1188, 1212, 4729, 4822, 7574. There is the falsity from evil, that is, the falsity of evil; and there is the evil from falsity, that is, the evil of the false, and again a falsity from it, thus derivatively, 1679, 2243. From one falsity, especially if it is in the place of a principle, falsities flow in a continuous series, 1510, 1511, 4717, 4721. There is a falsity from the lusts of the love of self and of the world; and there is a falsity from the fallacies of the senses, 1295, 4729. There are falsities of religion, and there are falsities of ignorance, 4729, 8318, 9258. There is a falsity in which is good, and a falsity in which there is no good, 2863, 9304, 10109, 10302. There is what has been falsified, 7318, 7319, 10648. Every evil has a falsity with it, 7577, 8094. The falsity from the lusts of the love of self is the falsity itself of evil; and from it are the worst kinds of falsities, 4729. Evil is heavy, and of its own accord lapses into hell; but not so falsity, unless it is from evil, 8279, 8298. Good is turned into evil, and truth into falsity, when it lapses from heaven into hell, because it then passes as it were into a gross and impure atmosphere, 3607. Falsities from evil appear as mists, and as foul waters above the hells, 8137, 8138, 8146. They who are in the hells speak falsities from evil, 1695, 7351, 7352, 7357, 7392, 7689. They who are in evil cannot but think what is false, when they think from themselves, 7437. Additional statements about the evil of falsity, 2408, 4818, 7272, 8265, 8279; and about the falsity of evil, 6359, 7272, 9304, 10302. Every falsity may be confirmed, and when confirmed appears as a truth, 5033, 6865, 8521, 8780. Wherefore before a thing is confirmed, it ought first to be examined whether it is true, 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521. Care ought to be taken lest falsities of religion be confirmed; because there arises thence a persuasion of the false, which remains with man after death, 845, 8780. How pernicious the persuasion of the false is, 794, 806, 5096, 7686. Good cannot flow into truths so long as a man is in evil, 2434. Goods and truths are removed from a man in the same proportion in which he is in evil, and in the falsities from it, 3402. Great care is taken by the Lord lest truth be conjoined to evil, and the falsity of evil to good, 3110, 3116, 4416, 5217. Profanation arises from such a commingling, 6348. Truths exterminate falsities, and falsities truths, 5207. Truths cannot be received inwardly, so long as unbelief prevails, 3399. How truth may be falsified, from examples, 7318. The wicked are permitted to falsify truths, reasons why, 7332. Truths are falsified by the wicked, by being applied, and thus drawn down, to evil, 8094, 8149. Truth is said to be falsified when it is applied to evil, which is done chiefly through fallacies and appearances among outward things, 7344, 8602. The wicked are allowed to assault truth, but not good, because they can falsify truth by various interpretations and applications, 6677. Truth falsified from evil is opposed to truth and good, 8062. Truth falsified from evil stinks fearfully in the other life, 7319. Additional statements concerning the falsification of truth, 7318, 7319, 10648. There are falsities of religion which agree with good, and there are such as disagree, 9259. If falsities of religion do not disagree with good, they do not produce evil, except with those who are in evil, 8318. Falsities of religion are not imputed to those who are in good, but to those who are in evil, 8051, 8149. Truths which are not genuine, and likewise falsities, may be associated with genuine truths with those who are in good, but not with those who are in evil, 3470, 3471, 4551, 4552, 7344, 8149, 9298. Falsities and truths are associated by means of appearances from the literal sense of the Word, 7344. Falsities are made true by good, and become soft, because they are applied to and drawn towards good, and evil is removed, 8149. Falsities of religion with those who are in good, are accepted by the Lord as truths, 4736, 8149. Good which has its quality from the falsity of religion, is accepted by the Lord, if there is ignorance, and in it innocence, and a good end, 7887. Truths with a man are appearances of truth and good, imbued with fallacies; with the man who lives in good, the Lord nevertheless adapts these to genuine truths, 2053. Falsities in which there is good have place with those who are outside the Church, and therefore in ignorance of the truth; and they are also with those who are within the Church, where there are falsities of doctrine, 2589, 2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 3778, 4189, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256. Falsities in which there is not good are more grievous with those who are within than with those who are without the Church, 7688. Truths and goods are taken away from the wicked in the other life, and given to the good, according to the Lord's words, To him that hath shall be given that he may have abundance; and from him that hath not shall be taken away that which he hath, 7770.
22. Concerning those who are in truths, and not in good; thus, concerning truths apart from good.
Truths have all life from good, 3607. Thus they are as a body without a soul, 8530, 9154. The knowledges of truth and good which are only in the memory, and not in the life, are believed by them to be truths, 5276. Those truths with which a man is only acquainted, and which he acknowledges from causes which proceed from the love of self and the world, are not appropriated by him, nor do they become his own, 3402, 3834. But those he appropriates, which he acknowledges for the sake of the very truth and good, 3849. Truths apart from good are not accepted by the Lord, 4368; neither do they save, 2261. They who are in truths apart from good, are not of the Church, 3963; neither can they be regenerated, 10367. The Lord flows into truths only through good, 10367. The separation of truth from good, 5008, 5009, 5022, 5028. The quality of truth apart from good, and its quality from good, 1949, 1950, 1964, 5951; from comparisons, 5830. Truth apart from good is morose, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1964; in the spiritual world it appears hard, 6359, 7068; and pointed, 2799. Truth apart from good is as the light of winter, in which all things of the earth grow torpid, and nothing is produced; but truth from good is as the light of spring and summer, in which all things blossom and are produced, 2231, 3146, 3412, 3413. Such a wintry light is turned into thick darkness when light flows in from heaven; and then they who are in such truths, come into blindness and stupidity, 3412, 3413. They who separate truths from good are in darkness, and in ignorance of truth, and in falsities, 9186. They cast themselves from falsities into evils, 3325, 8094. The errors and falsities into which they plunge themselves, 4721, 4730, 4776, 4783, 4925, 7779, 8313, 8765, 9222. The Word is closed for them, 3773, 4783, 8780. They do not see and attend to all those things which the Lord spoke concerning love and charity, and thus concerning good, 1017, 3416. They do not know what good is, and thus what heavenly love and charity are, 2417, 3603, 4136, 9995. They who are acquainted with the truths of faith, and live evilly, misapply these truths in the other life, for purposes of dominion; their quality and their lot, 4802. Truth Divine condemns to hell, but Divine Good raises to heaven, 2258. Truth Divine frightens, not so Divine Good, 4180. What is meant by being judged from truth, and what by being judged from good, 2335.
23. Concerning those who are in truths, and through them look towards, and aspire to, good; thus, concerning truths through which comes good.
What a man loves, this he wills, and what a man loves or wills, this he thinks, and confirms by various means; what a man loves or wills, is called good, and what a man thinks therefrom, and confirms by various means, is called truth, 4070. Hence it is, that truth becomes good when it becomes a matter of love or of will, that is, when a man loves and wills it, 5526, 7835, 10367. And again, since love or the will is the very life of a man, truth with him does not live, when he is only acquainted with it and thinks it, but when he loves and wills it, and from love and the will does it, 5595, 9282. From thence, and consequently from good, truths receive life, 2434, 3111, 3607, 6077. Truths, therefore, have life from good, and apart from good they have no life, 1589, 1947, 1997, 3579, 3180, 4070, 4096, 4097, 4736, 4757, 4884, 5147, 5928, 9154, 9667, 9841, 10729; illustrated, 9154. When truths may be said to have acquired life, 1928. Truth when conjoined with good, is appropriated by a man because it becomes a part of his life, 3108, 3161. In order that truth may be conjoined to good, there must be a consent from the understanding and will; when there is consent from the will as well, then there is conjunction, 3157, 3158, 3161. When a man is being regenerated, truths enter with the delight of affection, because he loves to do them; and they are reproduced with the same affection because the two cohere, 2480, 2487, 3040, 3066, 3074, 3336, 4018, 5893, 7967. The affection which belongs to love always adjoins itself to truths according to the uses of life, and this affection is reproduced with the truths, and the truths are reproduced with the affection, 3336, 3824, 3849, 4205, 5892, 7967. Good only acknowledges as truth what accords with the affection which belongs to love, 3161. Truths are introduced by means of concordant delights and pleasantnesses, 3502, 3512. Every genuine affection of the truth is from good, and according to it, 4373, 8349, 8356. Thus there is an instilling and influx of good into truths, and conjunction, 4301; and truths thus have life, 7910, 7967. Since the affection which belongs to love always adjoins itself to truths according to the uses of life, therefore good acknowledges its own truth and truth its own good, 2429, 3101, 3102, 3161, 3179, 3180, 4358, 5807, 5835, 9637. From this there is conjunction of truth and good; concerning which, 3834, 4096, 4097, 4301, 4345, 4353, 4364, 4368, 5365, 7623-7627, 7752-7762, 8530, 9258, 10555. Truths also acknowledge each other, and are mutually consociated, 9079; and this comes from the influx of heaven, 9079. Good is the Esse of life, and truth the Existere of life therefrom; good thus has its Existere of life in truth, and truth its Esse of life in good, 3049, 3180, 4574, 5002, 9154. Therefore every good has its own truth, and every truth its own good; because good apart from truth has no Existere, and truth apart from good no Esse, 9637. Again, good has its form and its quality from truths, so that truth is the form and quality of good, 3049, 4574, 6916, 9154. Truth and good, therefore, must be conjoined that they may be anything, 10555. Wherefore good is in a perpetual endeavour and desire to conjoin to itself truths, 9206, 9495; illustrated at 9207; and truths conversely conjoin themselves with good, 9206. The conjunction is reciprocal, of good with truth, and of truth with good, 5365, 8516. Good acts and truth re-acts, yet from good, 3155, 4380, 4757, 5928, 10729. Truths have respect to their good, as to their beginning and end, 4353. The conjunction of truth with good is like the progression of man's life from infancy; first he imbibes truths scientifically, then rationally, and at last he makes them part of his life, 3203, 3665, 3690. It is also with it as with offspring, in that it is conceived, exists in the womb, is born, grows up, becomes wise, 3298, 3299, 3308, 3665, 3690. It is also with it as with seeds and the soil, 3671; and like water in its relation to bread, 4976. The first affection of truth is not genuine, but in proportion as the man is perfected it is purified, 3040, 3089. Still, goods and truths, which are not genuine, serve for the introduction of genuine goods and truths, and the former are afterwards abandoned, 3665, 3690, 3974, 3982, 3986, 4145. Besides, through truths man is led to good, and not without truths, 10124, 10367. Unless a man learns, that is, receives truths, good cannot flow in, so that the man cannot become spiritual, 3387. The conjunction of good and truth is effected according to the increase of knowledges, 3141. Truths are received by every one according to his capacity, 3385. The truths of the natural man are scientifics, 3293, 3309, 3310. Scientifics and knowledges are as vessels, 6004, 6023, 6052, 6071, 6077. Truths are vessels of good, because they are recipients, 1469, 1900, 2063, 2261, 2269, 3318, 3365, 3387. Good flows in with man by an internal way, that is, by way of the soul, but truths by an external way, that is, by that of hearing and sight; and they are conjoined in man's interiors by the Lord, 3030, 3098. Truths are raised out of the natural man, and implanted in good in the spiritual man; and thus truths become spiritual, 3085, 3086. And afterwards, they flow in from thence into the natural man; spiritual good flowing immediately into the good of the Natural, but mediately into the truth of the Natural, 3314, 3573, 4563; illustrated, 3314, 3616, 3576, 3969, 3995. In a word, truths with a man are conjoined to good, so far and in such manner as he is in good, as to life, 3834, 3843. Conjunction is effected differently with the celestial, from what it is with the spiritual, 10124. Additional statements concerning the conjunction of good and truth, and the manner in which it is effected, 3090, 3203, 3308, 4096, 4097, 4345, 4353, 5365, 7623-7627; and how spiritual good is formed through truths, 3470, 3570.
24. Concerning those who are in truths from good, thus concerning truths from good.
What difference there is between the truth which leads to good, and the truth which proceeds from good, 2063. Truth essentially is not truth, except so far as it proceeds from good, 4736, 10619; because truth has its Esse from good, 3049, 3180, 4574, 5002, 9144; and its life, 3111, 2434, 6077; and because truth is the form, that is, the quality of good, 3049, 4574, 5951, 9154. Truth with man is altogether as good, in a like ratio and in a like degree, 2429. In order that truth may be truth, it must derive its essence from the good of charity and innocence, 3111, 6013. The truths which are from good are spiritual truths, 5951. When truth proceeds from good, it makes one with it to such a degree that both together are one good, 4301, 7835, 10252, 10266. The understanding and will make one mind and one life, when the understanding proceeds from the will, because the understanding is the recipient of truth, and the will, of good; but not when a man thinks and speaks otherwise than he wills, 3623. Truth from good is truth in will and act, 4337, 4353, 4385, 4390. When truth proceeds from good, good has its image in truth, 3180. In the whole heaven and in the whole world, and in each single thing thereof, there is an image of marriage, 54, 718, 747, 917, 1432, 2173, 2516, 5194. Especially between truth and good, 1904, 2173, 2508. Because all things in the universe have relation to truth and good, in order to be anything, and to their conjunction, in order that anything may be produced, 2452, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555.
The Ancients also instituted a marriage between truth and good, 1904. The law of marriage is that, according to the Lord's words, two shall be one, 10130, 10168, 10169. Love truly conjugial descends and exists also out of heaven, from the marriage of truth and a good, 2728, 2729.
A man is wise so far as he is in good, and from good in truths, but not so far is he is acquainted with truths and is not in good, 3182, 3190, 4884. A man who is in truths from good, is actually raised out of the light of the world into the light of heaven, and thus out of obscurity into clearness; but conversely he is in the light of the world, and in obscurity so long as he is acquainted with truths and is not in good, 3190, 3192. Again, a man does not know what good is, before he is in it and acts from it, 3325, 3330, 3336. Truths increase immensely when they proceed from good, 2846, 2847, 5345. Concerning this increase, 5355. This increase is like the production of fruit from a tree, and multiplication from seeds, from which arise whole gardens, 1873, 2846, 2847. In the same proportion also wisdom increases, and indeed to eternity, 3200, 10314, 4220, 4221, 5527, 5859, 6663. The man also who is in truths from good is enlightened in the same proportion, and is thus in enlightenment while reading the Word, 9382, 10548, 10549, 10550, 10691, 10694. The good of love is as fire, and the truth from it as the light from that fire, 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684. Truths from good also shine in heaven, 5219. Truths from good, through which wisdom comes, increase according to the quality and quantity of the love of good: and conversely, falsities from evil increase according to the quality and quantity of the love of evil, 4099. The man who is in truths from good comes into angelic intelligence and wisdom, and these are hidden away in his interiors so long as he lives in the world, but are laid open in the other life, 2494. The man who is in truths from good becomes an angel after death, 8747. Truths from good are circumstanced like generations, 9079. They are arranged in series, 5339, 5343, 5530, 7408, 10303, 10308. The orderly arrangement of truths from good compared with the fibres and blood-vessels in the body; and thus with the tissues and forms, according to the uses of life, 3470, 3570, 3579, 9154. Truths from good form as it were a community, and indeed form the influx of heaven, 3584. Those truths are in the middle which belong to the chief love; and the rest are distant therefrom, according to the degrees of their non-agreement, 3993, 4551, 4552, 5530, 6028. The opposite order prevails with the wicked, 4551, 4552. When truths proceed from good, they are arranged in the form of heaven, 4302, 5339, 5343, 5704, 6028, 10303. and indeed according to the order in which the angelic societies are, 10303. All truths when proceeding from good are conjoined with one another by a certain affinity; and they are circumstanced like families derived from one father, 2863. Every truth also has a sphere extending into heaven, according to the quality and quantity of the good from which it is, 8063. The marriage of good and truth is the Church and Heaven with man, 2173, 7752, 7753, 9224, 9995, 10122. The delight and happiness of those with whom there is good in truths, 1470. Truths from good, when conjoined, exhibit an image of man, 8370. A man is nothing else than his own good, and the truth from it; or evil, and the false from it; 10298.
A summary: Through truths there is faith, 4353, 4997, 7178, 10367. Through truths there is charity towards the neighbour, 4368, 7623, 7624, 8034. Through truths there is love to the Lord, 10143, 10153, 10310 10578, 10645. Through truths there is conscience, 1077, 2053, 9113. Through truths there is innocence, 3183, 3494, 6013. Through truths there is purification from evils, 2799, 5954, 7044, 7918, 9089, 10229, 10237. Through truths is regeneration, 1555, 1904, 2046, 2189, 9088, 9959, 10028. Through truths come intelligence and wisdom, 3182, 3190, 3387, 10064. The beauty of angels, and also of men, as to the interiors belonging to their spirits, arises through truths, 553, 3080, 4985, 5199. Through truths there is power against evils and falsities, 3091, 4015, 10481. Order, such as is in heaven, is through truths, 3316, 3417, 3570, 5339, 5343, 5704, 6028, 10303. The Church is through truths, 1798, 1799, 3963, 4468, 4672. Through truths man has heaven, 1900, 9832, 9931, 10303. Through truths a man becomes a man, 3175, 3387, 8370, 10298. Still all these arise through truths from good, and not through truths apart from good; and good is from the Lord, 2434, 4070, 4736, 5147. All good is from the Lord, 1614, 2016, 2904, 4151, 9981.
25. All good and truth is from the Lord. The Lord is very Good and very Truth, 2011, 4151, 10336, 10619. The Lord is the Divine Good of the Divine Love, as to both the Divine and Human; and from Him proceeds the Divine Truth, 3704, 3712, 4180, 4577. From the Lord's Divine Good proceeds the Divine Truth, comparatively as the light proceeds from the sun, 3704, 3712, 4180, 4577. The Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord appears in the heavens as light, and presents all the light of heaven, 3195, 3223, 5400, 8694, 9399, 9548, 9684. The light of heaven which is Divine Truth united with Divine Good, illuminates both the sight and the understanding of angels and spirits, 2776, 3138. Heaven is in light and heat, because in truth and good; for Divine Truth is the light there, and Divine Good is the heat there, 3643, 9399, 9400. and in the work on Heaven and Hell, 126-140. The Divine Truth which proceeds from the Divine Good of the Lord forms and arranges the angelic Heaven, 3038, 9408, 9613, 10716, 10717. Divine Good united with the Divine Truth which is in the heavens, is called Divine Truth, 10196. The Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord is the only reality, 6880, 7004, 8200. Through the Divine Truth all things were made and created, 2803, 2894, 5272, 7678. All power also belongs to the Divine Truth, 8200. From himself, man cannot do anything that is good, nor can he think anything that is true, 874, 875, 876. The Rational of man from itself cannot perceive Divine Truth, 2196, 2203, 2209. Truths which are not from the Lord, are from the man's self, and they are not truths, but only appear as truths, 8868. All good and truth is from the Lord, and nothing from man, 1614, 2016, 2904, 4151, 9981. Goods and truths are goods and truths only so far as they have the Lord in them, 2904, 3061, 8480. Concerning the Divine Truth which proceeds immediately from the Lord, and the Divine Truth which proceeds mediately through the angels, and their influx with man, 7055, 7056, 70582. The Lord flows with man into good, and through good into truths, 10153. Through good He flows into truths of every kind; chiefly into genuine truths, 2531, 2554. The Lord does not flow into truths which have been separated from good; and there is no parallelism between the Lord and man, as to these, but as to good, 1831, 1832, 3514, 3564. Doing good and doing truth for the sake of good and truth, means loving the Lord and loving the neighbour, 10336. They who are in the internal of the Word, of the Church, and of Worship, love to do good and truth for the sake of good and truth; but they who are in the external of these, apart from the internal, love to do good and truth for the sake of themselves and the world, 10683. What is meant by doing good and truth for the sake of good and truth, illustrated by examples, 10683.
26. Concerning the various kinds of goods and truths. There is an infinite variety, and there is never one thing exactly like another thing, 7236, 9002. In the heavens also there is an infinite variety, 684, 690, 3744, 5598, 7236. The varieties in the heavens are varieties of good; and to them is due the distinction of all things there, 3519, 3744, 3804, 3986, 4005, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002. These varieties arise from truths which are manifold, through which every one has good, 3470, 3519, 3804, 4149, 6917, 7236. On this ground all angelic societies in the heavens, and every angel in a society, are distinct from each other, 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836. Nevertheless, they all act as one through love from the Lord, on account of all regarding one end, 457, 3986. Goods and truths in general, according to degrees, are distinguished into such as are natural, spiritual, and celestial, 2069, 3240. In general, there are three degrees of good, and consequently of truth, according to the three heavens, 4154, 9873, 10270. There are goods and truths thence of a threefold kind in the internal man, and as many in the external man, 4154. There is natural good, civil good, and moral good, 3768. The natural good, into which some are born, is not good in the other life, unless it becomes spiritual good, 2463, 2464, 2468, 3408, 3469, 3470, 3508, 3518, 7761. Concerning natural good spiritual, and natural good not spiritual, 4988, 4992, 5032. There is intellectual truth, and there is scientific truth, 1904, 1911, 2503.
27. Wisdom is from good through truths. How the Rational with man is conceived and born, 2094, 2524, 2557, 3030, 5126. It is by an influx of the Lord through heaven into the knowledges and sciences which are with man, and an elevation thereby, 1895, 1899, 1900, 1901. The elevation is according to uses, and the love of them, 3074, 3085, 3086. The Rational is born through truths; wherefore according to their quality, such is the Rational, 2094, 2524, 2557. The Rational is opened and formed through truths from good: and it is closed and destroyed through falsities from evil, 3108, 5126. A man is not rational on account of his being able to reason on any subject, but on account of his being able to see and perceive whether a thing is true or not, 1944. A man is not born into any truth, because not into any good; but he has to learn and imbibe everything, 3175. With difficulty a man can receive genuine truths and become wise thereby, on account of the fallacies of the senses and the persuasions of the false, and on account of the reasonings and doubts arising thence, 3175. A man begins to be wise, when he begins to hold in aversion reasonings against truths, and to reject doubts, 3175. The unenlightened human Rational laughs at interior truths; from examples, 2654. Truths with a man are called interior when they are implanted in his life, and they are not called so from his being acquainted with them, even though they should be truths which are called interior, 10199. In good there is the faculty of becoming wise, wherefore those who while in the world have lived in good after their departure from the world come into angelic wisdom, 5527, 5859, 8321. In every good there are innumerable things, 4005. Innumerable things may be known from good, 3612. Concerning the multiplication of truth from good, 5345, 5355, 5912. Through truths, and a life according thereto, the good of infancy becomes the good of wisdom, 3504. There is the affection of truth, and the affection of good, 1904, 1997. The quality of those who are in the affection of truth, and the quality of those who are in the affection of good, 2422, 2429. Concerning those who are able to come into the affection of truth, and those who are not able, 2689. All truths are arranged in order under a general affection, 9094. The affection of truth and the affection of good in the natural man are as brother and sister, but in the spiritual man they are as man and wife, 3160. There are no pure truths with a man, and not even with an angel, but only with the Lord, 3207, 7902. Truths with man are appearances of truth, 2053, 2719. The first truths with man are appearances of truth from fallacies of the senses, which nevertheless are successively put off, as he is perfected with respect to wisdom, 3131. Appearances of truth with a man who is in good are accepted by the Lord for truths, 2053, 3207. What, and of what quality appearances of truth are, 3207, 3357-3362, 3368, 3404, 3405, 3417. The sense of the letter of the Word in many places is according to appearances, 1838. The same truths with one man are more true, with another less so, and with still another they are false, because falsified, 2439. Truths are also truths according to the correspondence between the natural and the spiritual man, 3128, 3138. Truths differ according to the different ideas and perceptions
entertained concerning them, 3470, 3804, 6917. After a truth has been conjoined with good, it vanishes out of the memory, because it then becomes a matter of life, 3108. Truths can be conjoined with good only in a state of freedom, 3158. Truths are conjoined with good through temptations, 3318, 4572, 7122. There is in good a constant endeavour of arranging truths in order, and of thereby restoring its state, 3610. Truths appear undelightful when the communication with good is intercepted, 8352. Only with difficulty can a man discriminate between truth and good, because only with difficulty can he distinguish between thinking and willing, 9995. Good, in the Word, is called the brother of truth, 4267. In a certain respect also good is called a lord, and truth, a servant, 3409, 4267.