Начало P

Padan-Aram (Padan Ararn).
Padan-Aram d. the cognitions of truth, 3664;
the cognitions of good, 3680;
the cognitions of both, 4107.
Padan d. a state of cognitions, 6242.

Pain (dolor).
Pain after circumcision d. lusts, 4496.
Grief d. anxiety of heart, or of the will, 5887.
Pains are felt in various places of the skull, from falsities which are from lusts, 5563.

Pairs, See TWO.

Palaces (palatia). See HOUSE.
Towns and palaces which were seen in the other life, 1626, 1627.
The decorations of the steps, and of the gates seen, 1627, 1628.
The rich who are without charity first dwell in palaces, but afterwards in meaner houses, and at length they seek aid, 1631.
They who are of the Most Ancient Church dwell in magnificent palaces, 1116.

Pall as (Pall as).
Pallases with the ancients; whence they were, 4658:5.

Palm Tree (palma arbor).
Palm tree d. spiritual good, or the good of truth: shown, 8369.

Palms, See HAND,

Pancreas (pancreas).
Who correspond to the pancreas, 5184.
Who correspond to the pancreatic, the hepatic, and the cystic ducts, 5185.

Pannicle (panniculus).
Pannicle d. lowest truth, 4875.

Paps, See BREASTS,

Parables (paraboics).
In the Lord's parables all things are Divine, and thence celestial and spiritual, 4637.

Paracleto. See COMFORTER.

Paradise (paradisus).
Whence were the paradisiacal things of the Most Ancient Church, 1122.
Paradisiacal things in the other life; their beauty and representations; these delight angels, 1622.
Infants walk in paradisiacal gardens; concerning which, 2296.
When angels discourse on the things relating to intelligence and wisdom, paradises, vineyards, and forests are represented, 3220.
The sight of the eye corresponds to those societies which are in paradisiacal places, 4528.
How magnificent paradisiacal places are; a description from experience, 4528, 4529.

Parallelism (parallelismus).
What the parallelism is as to celestial things; it is given, 1831.
There is no parallelism between the Lord and man as to spiritual things, 1832, 3514.
There is a parallelism between interior and exterior good, not between interior good and exterior truth, unless it be such as when it is in genuine order, 3564.

Paran (Paran).
What Mount Paran s., 1675:2, 1676.
Paran d. the Divine Human of the Lord with respect to the spiritual: shown, 2714.

Parasite (parasita). See FLATTERY.

Particulars (particularia). See GENERAL.

Partition (panes).
Partitions d. interior, or middie things: illustrated, 10185.

Pass Over, To (transire).
To pass over d. to be saved, 8321, 8322.
What further to pass over s., 8321, 8322.
To pass over before d. to lead and to teach, 8577.

Pass the Night, To (pernoctare).
To pass the night d. to have peace, 3170;
to live in obscurity, 3693;
also tranquillity; and what that is, 4213.
To pass the night in the street d. to judge from truth, 2335.

Passover (pascha).
The passover was instituted on account of the deliverance from Egypt, thus on account of the deliverance of the spiritual from damnation, by the Lord, 7093:6.
Concerning the feast of unleavened things, or the passover, 9286-9292. See FESTIVAL.
The feast of passover was instituted for the remembrance of the glorification of the Lord's Human, and of the deliverance from evils and from the falsities of evil, and was a rejoicing on account of it, 10655:3.
The statutes of the passover are the laws of order for those who are delivered from damnation, 7995.
The passover d. the Lord's presence and the deliverance of those who are of the spiritual Church by means of the Lord's Divine Human when He rose again, 7867.
To eat the passover d. to be one with them, thus to be consociated, 8001.
The paschal supper rd. consociations in heaven, 7996, 7997.

Pasture (pascuum).
Pasture d. that which sustains the spiritual life of man, 6078;
the scientifics in which are the goods of truth, 6078.

Pasture, To (pascere). See SHEPHERD,

Path. See WAY.

Pattern. See FORM.

Pawn, To. See PLEDGE.

Peace (pax). See also TRANQUILLITY.
The nature of a state of peace, 92, 93.
Peace is like dawn or spring, 1726.
Peace in the heavens is like dawn on the earths, 2780.
Peace is the universal reigning inmostly in the heavens, and it insensibly affects all with blessedness, as the spring and dawn, 5662:2.
This peace is not given, except when lusts are taken away, for these destroy peace and place rest in unrest: illustrated, 5662:2.
What peace is, is described; it is the inmost affecting lower things, and it is the Divine Truth in heaven from the Lord, 8455.
The conjunction of good and truth is effected in a state of peace, 8517e.
Man, when he is in good, is in peace, and not so when yet in truth, 8722.
All unrest is from evil and falsity, but peace is from good and truth, 3170.
The truth of faith has its rise from the truth of peace, 8456.
Peace, in the supreme sense, d. the Lord; in the representative sense, His kingdom, and good which is from the Lord there, thus the Divine of the Lord affecting good from the inmost: shown, 3780:2.
Peace d. the Lord, His kingdom, and a life in that kingdom, or salvation, and it d. health in the world, 4681.
Peace, when used with respect to the Divine in heaven, d. a Divine celestial state, 8665.
The peaceable d. concord as to doctrine, 4479.
A state of tranquillity is a state of external peace, 3696.
All who are being regenerated are at first in that state, and also at last, 3696. See REGENERATION.
By sabbath is sd. peace in the heavens and on the earths, because it d. the union of the Lord's Human and His Divine in Him, and the conjunction of man with Him, 10730:2.

Peculiar Treasure. See SPECIAL TREASURE.


Peeling (decorticatio).
What peeling s., 4015.

Peg (paxillus). See KEY.

Peleg (Peleg).
What is sd. by Peleg, 1345.

Penalty (poena). See also under ANGEL.
Concerning infernal penalties, see HELL.
The infernals desire nothing more than to punish and torment, 695.
All penalty is turned into good and use by the Lord, 696.
Concerning different penalties in the other life, 955.
The penalty of tearing; that those enduring it become as a rag, and are carried about in the view of the angels, 956.
The penalties of rending; for whom, 957;
and their quality, 958, 961.
The penalty of conglutination; for whom, and their quality, 960.
The penalty of rending as to thoughts, 962.
The throwing on of a veil; for whom, and its quality, 963.
The wrapping of the rag; its quality, 964.
They who are in hell cannot be tormented as to conscience, 965.
Penalties are not endured on account of hereditary, but actual, evils, 966.
Angels are present who moderate penalties, 967.
Angels cannot take penalty away, 967.
In evil there is penalty; from experience, 696, 697, 1857:2, 6559.
The punishment of those who constitute the sphincter of the bladder, or urethra, which extends itself upward in the form of a cone, 5389.
It was usual with the gentiles to punish all the companions and the whole house on account of the crime of one; the reason that it is so done with the evil in the other life, but with man it is against the Divine Law, 5764.
There is a law of retaliation, whence in this manner there is penalty in evil, and in good there is remuneration: illustrated, 8214.

Peniel (Penid).
Peniel d. a state of temptations, 4298;
in the internal historical sense, a state that they should put on representations, 4310.

Penitence. See REPENTANCE.

Penuel (Penuel).
Penuel d. a state of truth in good, 4301.
When he passed over Penuel d., in the historical sense, when he came into the land of Canaan, 4313.

Peoples (populi).
Peoples d. truths and falsities, 1259, 1260.
People also s. the good of truth, but which in its first existence is truth, 3295;
those who are of the spiritual Church; nation, those who are of the celestial Church, 10288e.
Peoples d. the truths of the Church, and also the truths of good, but the latter is expressed by another, though a related word, 3581.
The people of the land d. those who are of the spiritual Church, 2928.
What to he gathered to the fathers, or to the peoples, s., 3255. See SOCIETY.
To be gathered to his own people d. to be in the goods and truths of the lower natural, 6451, 6465.
Gathered to the peoples, when used with respect to representatives, means that it no longer relates to him, 3255, 3276.
Gathered to the peoples d. to his own in the other life, and to the truths and goods in which they are, 4619.
Unto an assembly of peoples d. to an indefinite increase, 6232.
To receive to himself for a people d. to be added to those in heaven who serve the Lord there; concerning those there who are of the spiritual Church, 7207.
By servants and people are sd. all and each, 7396.

Perception (perceptio).

Concerning perception;
its quality, 495, 503, 521, 536.
What perception is, 104.
Perception is something other than thought, though thought is from perception, 1919.
There are innumerable kinds of perceptions, as in heaven, 483.
Perceptions are exterior and interior more and more, 2145.
Perception is more and more interior, 2171.
Perception is clearer in proportion as it is interior, 5920.
Concerning the Lord's perception, and perception in general; whence it is, 1616.
The quality of the Lord's perception, 1791;
and it is above all perception, 1919:3.
Why the union of the Lord's Divine Essence with the Human Essence, and His perception and thought, are so much treated of in the internal sense; it is for the angels, 2249.

Celestial Perception.
The perception of the Most Ancient Church; its nature and whence it was, 125, 495, 503, 521.
Concerning the perception of the Most Ancient Church; its nature, 597, 607.
There was a communication of the Most Ancient Church with heaven; whence there was perception, which afterwards there was not, 784.
What is the quality of the perception of the Most Ancient Church, 895:2.
What the sons of the Most Ancient Church said respecting perception, 1121.
The celestial angels perceive by means of love whatever belongs to faith, from the Lord, 202.
There is perception when love is the principal, 371.
Perception is given when it is turned to the celestial things of love, 1442.
There is the perception of good and truth with the celestial, the perception of what is righteous and equitable in the civil life, and the perception of what is honest in the moral life; concerning which, 2831:2.

Spiritual Perception.
The perception of the spiritual is the influx of the speech of angels with men, 5228.
It is not with others than those who are in love and charity; with them there is thought from perception, 5228.
The spiritual can have the perception of civil and moral truth and good, but not the perception of spiritual good and truth, 7977.
Revelation from perception, and revelation from speech with angels; what the difference is, 5121.
The quality of perception then, 5121:2.

Common Perception.
Perception is from the faculty of concluding, and it is exercised about matters in the world, but not about spiritual things; the reason: illustrated, 5937:2.
Perception consists in seeing what is true and what is false, not in confirming either, 7680:2.
The light of perception is Divine, not the light of confirmation, which is merely sensual: illustrated, 8780:2.
Concerning sight from the interior, 9128. See To SEE.

Perception, Conscience, and Sense.
He who has perception knows the minute parts of particulars, and the particular parts of generals, not so he who has conscience, 865:2.
Perception is described; and conscience succeeded it; what the difference is, 2144.
What thought from perception, from conscience, and from no conscience is, 2515.
The sense of touch is the general of all sense, arising from the perceptive which is the internal sensitive, 3528.
Everything that is sensitive and perceptive is from good, not from truth, 3528.

Perception in the Spiritual World.
There is a perception of all things that belong to any ideas, in the other life, 1008.
Perceptions in the other life; the quality of another is known immediately, 1504.
See concerning these under SPHERE.
The truths of the Church are comprehended altogether otherwise by those who are in good than by those who are not in good, 5478.
What the quality of a spirit is, is known when he approaches, 4626.

General Facts.
Where spirits were, and several other things, also their quality, perceived, 1640.
With those who have perception the interior rational is terminated, 5145:4.

Seriatim Statement.
There is a twofold perception in the other life: they perceive what is good and true, and they perceive what their qualities are, 1383.
Concerning the perception of celestial angels and of spiritual angels, 1384.
They who reason perceive little, 1385.
They who suppose that they know from themselves, do not perceive, 1386.
The learned do not perceive what perception is, 1387.
They perceive what the quality of another is: illustrated from those things which are therefrom; it is known from the speech, gesture, and face what another thinks, 1388.
Whence these things are, 1388e;
they also come into a more perfect state than when in the body, 1389.
There is a communication of all thoughts and affections, 1390-1392.
The quality of love and faith is perceived, 1394.
Consociations are according to perceptions, 1394.
Whatever there is in deceit is perceived, 1395.
An example of perception from afar off, 1396.
By reason of perception, the evil cannot approach to heaven; an example, 1397.
The evil cannot sustain the presence of an angel, 1398.

Significations Involved.
Concerning the perception which turned into scents, see SCENT.
Trees d. perceptions, 103.

Perfect. See ENTIRE.

Perfection (perfectio).
A man cannot be perfected to eternity, 675.
Perfection grows to immensity in the other life, 1610.

Perfidy (perfidia).
To act perfidiously d. to act against Divine order: shown, 8999.

Perfume. See OINTMENT and SCENT.


Peritoneum (peritonaeum).
Concerning the correspondence of the peritoneum, and concerning those who constitute the peritoneum in the Grand Man; what their quality is when they are infested by renal spirits, 5378;
and what their quality is when infested by those who constitute the colon there, 5379.

Perizzite (Perisita). See also AMORITE.
Perizzite d. falsity from evil, 6859.
Canaanite d. evil; Perizzite d. falsity, 1573, 1574.
Canaanite d. the Church as to good, and Perizzite, the Church as to truth, 4517.

Permission (permissio). See ORDER.
Something concerning permission, 592e.
Why evils are attributed to the Lord, and in what manner it is to be understood that they come to pass by permission; the reason, 2447.
In temptations the Lord does not concur by permitting according to the idea that man has of permission, 2768.
The permission of evil by the Lord is not as of one who wills, but as of one who cannot bring aid, while urging the end which is the salvation of the human race, 7877e.
To leave a man to do evil from his own freedom is to permit, 10778.

Perplexed (perplexum). See ENTWINED,

Person (persona).
Angels think abstractly from persons, 8343e;
the reason, 8985, 9007.
The name of a person does not enter heaven, 10282.
The idea of a person is turned into the idea of a thing, in the internal sense; why, 5225, 5287, 5434:2.

Persuasion (persuasio).
Concerning the dire persuasions of the antediluvians, who are called Nephilim, Anakim, and Rephaim; and they were such, 581, 1268, 1270, 1271, 1673, 7686.
How injurious the persuasion of falsity is, 794, 806.
The persuasive sphere of falsity continually excites things which confirm falsity, 1510, 1511.
There are several kinds of persuasions of falsity, 1673:3, 1675:5.
What is the quality of the persuasive, or a persuasive faith, 2343:6, 2682:2, 2689:4.
The quality of the persuasive which counterfeits faith, 3865:3;
but which is not faith, 3865:3.
The persuasive sphere in the other life suffocates; an experience, 3895.
A persuasive of truth is with those who are in the life of evil, 3895.
The things which have been confirmed by doctrine and life remain to eternity, 4747:2.
They who are in the persuasion of falsity are interiorly bound: illustrated, 5096.
Concerning the persuasion of falsity; of what quality it appears, and what it is, 5128:3.
They who ascend from a lower part through the region of the loins and of the breast believe themselves to be in the Lord, and that whatever they do, even infamous things, are done from Him, 7621, 7622:2.

Perturb, To (perturbare). See To DISTURB.

Pestilence (pestis).
Pestilence d. the vastation of good and truth, and damnation, 7102, 7505;
thence consumption, 7505, 7507, 7511.
To die by the pestilence d. to be consumed, 7507, 7511.

Peter (Petrus).
That Peter denied the Lord d. that in the last time faith rejected the Lord, 6000:5, 6073e.
What the keys given to Peter s.; it d. the faith of charity which is from the Lord alone, Pref. to Gen. xxii. ante 2760, 3750:2, 4738e.
The keys given to Peter d. the faith of charity from the Lord, 6344e. See also ROCK.
Peter, James, and John stand for faith, charity, and the good of charity, Pref. to Gen. xviii. ante 2135.
Peter r. faith, James charity, and John the works of charity, Pref. to Gen. xviii. ante 2135.
The Lord's words relating to Peter and John, whether he loved Him, and that he should feed His sheep and lambs, and should follow Him, are explained, 10087:2.

Petitions (preces). See PRAYER.

Phantasy (phantasia),
How dire are the phantasies of the antediluvians, 1270.
He who supposed all things to be phantasies, and nothing real, sat at a mill, 1510e.
The sphere of phantasies is like a mist, 1512.
Spirits induce visions by means of phantasies, 1967.
Evil spirits torment each other by means of phantasies, 1969.
In the other life, the sensitive faculty is real in heaven, and not real in hell: illustrated, 4623.
What it is to imitate Divine things by study and art: illustrated from fantastic imitation with spirits who then appear so in externals, but in internals are filthy and diabolical, 10284, 10286.

Pharaoh (Pharao). See EGYPT, and under ARMY.

Pharez (Perez).
Phares son of Tamar; what is sd., 4927.

Philistia (Philistaea).
Philistia d. the science of cognitions: shown, 1197, 1198.
Philistines d. those who are in the science of cognitions alone, and not in the life, and who have rejected the doctrinal things of charity, and acknowledged the doctrinal things of faith; and because they are in the loves of self and of gain, they are called the uncircumcised, 3412, 3413
in the good sense, those who are in the doctrine of faith, and as to life in the good of truth, 3463;
those who are in the truth of faith, which is not from good: shown, 8093.
The habitation of those who are such in the other life, 8096:2, 8099:2.
They infest the upright, 8096:2.
Philistines d. those who are in faith alone separated from good; their errors and quality; 8313;
the interior truths of faith: illustrated and shown, 9340.
From the sea Suph to the sea of the Philistines d. from scientific truths to the interior truths of faith, 9340.

Philistines, King of the. See ABIMELECH.

Philosophy (philosophia).
Those who reason from sensual, scientific, and philosophical things are described; what the spirit is, 196.
Intellectual good perishes by means of philosophy, 2124.
Philosophy, namely, metaphysics and logic, drags the understanding down to the dust, and is an unclean froth, 3348.
Several things concerning the scholastics, or logic and metaphysics, and concerning Aristotle, 4658:2.
Philosophy makes men fatuous, if they stick in terms; but is otherwise, if they proceed from thought to them: illustrated, 4658:3.
Philosophical matters, which are cultivated at the present time, are of no use, because they do not go beyond terms, 4966:4.

Phlegm (pituita).
Concerning the correspondence of the pituitary glands of the brain, 5386.

Physician, Medicine, Medicament (medicus, medicino, medicamentum).
Physician d. preservation from evils: shown, 6502.

Pia Mater. See MATER.

Pieces (frusta). See SEGMENTS,

Piety (pietas).
A life of piety without the life of charity avails nothing, but with it conduces to all things, 8252.
What the life of piety is, 8253.

Pig. See SOW.

Pigeon. See DOVE.

Pile (cumulus). See HEAP (acervus).

Pillar (statua).
The origin of pillars was from the most ancient times; and in what manner they were afterwards made for worship; concerning which, 4580:2.
Pillars were in use with the ancients, and rd. holy worship from truths, and afterwards idolatrous worship from falsities: illustrated and shown, 10643;
they sd. worship from truths, because they were stones, and these s. truths, 10643:2.
Pillar d. the holy of truth, 4580;
a holy boundary, thus the ultimate of order, consequently truth: shown, 3727;
they were erected for a sign, for a witness, and for worship: shown, 3727:2;
in the opposite sense, they d. worship from falsity: shown, 3727:5.
They poured oil on the head of a pillar, because it d. that good should be that from which truth is derived, 3728.
To anoint a pillar d. to make truth good, 4090.
By setting up a pillar, offering a drink-offering upon it, and pouring oil upon it, is rd. the progression of the Lord's glorification, and man's regeneration, from truth to good, 4582.
An altar is a representative of the Lord as to Divine Good; a pillar, as to Divine Truth, 9388, 9389.

Pillows, See NECK.

Pin. See NAIL.

Pit (fovea). See also SNARE.
Pit d. falsity, because the places of vastation in the other life are called pits: shown, 4728, 4743, 5038e.
There is a pit where the lower earth is, 4728. See EARTH, PRISON.
Who the bound in the pit are, 6854:2. See BOUND
The captive in the house of the pit d. one who is in the last place, and one who is in the corporeal sensual, 7950.
To fall into the pit d. to pervert good or truth: shown, 9086.

Pitch (pix).
Pitch d. good mixed with falsities, 6724.

Pituitary Glands, See PHLEGM.

Place (locus).
An experience concerning those who deny that spirit is in place, 446.
Concerning change of place, and distance, also concerning situation in the other life; from experience, 1273, 1277, 1376-1381.
Spaces and progressions in the other life are appearances from changes of state of the interiors, 9440.
Thus a man can be led as to the spirit to the earths in the universe, 9440.
What it is to be led away by the spirit into another place, 1884.
Progressions in the other life are changes of state of the interiors: illustrated, 10734.
Presences and the ideas of space are according to the affections of loves in the other life, 10146:2.
All turn themselves according to their own loves, 10189:3. See LOVE.
There are no spaces and times in the other life, 2625.
There are no spaces in the other life, but still there are living appearances of space arising from the changes of state in the interiors, 5605:2.
Situation in the other life is state; from experience, 4321. See also NAME.
Places and spaces in the other life are states: illustrated from experience, 4882.
Places and distances are states, 3387:3.
Distance is diversity of the state of life, 9104.
Remoteness of place is difference of state, and by changes of state I was led to an earth in the universe, 9967.
Time and space are states: illustrated 7381:3.
Man cannot think apart from the idea of space and time, 3404:2.
A subject is spoken of in the Word in conformity with the idea of place and space shown, 3387:3.
Place d. state: references, 10580.
Spaces and times s. states; the former, states as to esse, the latter, states as to existere, 2625.
Times and places d. states, 2837.
Space and time d. states; the reason is that there is no idea of space and time in the other life, nor in the internal man with men, 3356.
Motion d. change of state, 3356.

Plague (plaga).
Stripe d. the injury of truth, 9057.
Plagues d. the penalty of evil, 10219.

Plain (planities).
Plain s. those things which belong to the doctrinal: shown, 2418, 2450.

Plane Tree (plantus).
Plane tree d. natural truth, 4014.

Planets (planeta). See EARTH.

Planks, See BEAMS,

Plant, To (planeare).
To plant d. to regenerate: illustrated by comparison with a tree, 8326.

Plate (bradea).
The plate upon Aaron's forehead, The golden plate on which was inscribed "Holiness to Jehovah" s. enlightenment from the Divine Good of the Lord, 9930.

Play, To, Sport (ludere, ludus).
To mock d. to deride, 2403.
Sport and dance d. interior festivity: illustrated, 10416.

Pleasure (voluptas). See DELIGHTFULNESS,
Pleasures and delights of the body, 4769.
The quality of pleasure (volupe) and exterior good is such as that of sensual things, 4748:3.
When good which flows in from the Lord is turned into mere voluptuousness, 5145:3.
There are pleasures which agree, and those which do not agree, with heavenly things, 1547.
The pleasures in which there is good, 3951:2.
There is a pleasure (volupe) of the sensual things of the body, into which one who is being regenerated is first initiated, 4117:3.
Concerning the pleasures from hatreds, revenges, adulteries, contempt of others, avarice, deceits, and luxury, 4464:2.
Pleasure is either dead or alive, 5025e.
Concerning pleasure (volupe) with the good and the evil, 5623;
there is desire from pleasure (volupe), 5623.
Pleasures are never denied to man, so long as they are not held as an end, and the interiors are good, 945, 995:4.
They who hold mere pleasures as an end, in the other life, are first carried into places where such things are, and then into the excrementitious hell, 943.
To live for no other end than that of pleasure, 5395.
There are interior affections which manifest themselves in pleasures, 994:4, 995.
Pleasures have their delight from use, 997.
Pleasures and appetites with the evil take away everything that flows in from the Lord, 6564.
Females of a low condition, who have given themselves to pleasures, smite each other, 944.
Into what phantasies merely corporeal pleasures are turned in the other life, 954.
In the delights with the regenerate there are also worldly things, but tempered by means of good from the Lord, 2204.
Concerning the voluptuous, 4948.
A man has apperception from the sensual, when he is in pleasures, 5141.
Merely corporeal pleasures are among the origins of diseases, 5712.
Freedom from the proprium is to indulge in all pleasures whatever, 5786:3.
Very many who indulge in corporeal pleasures are in the sensual life, 6201:2.
They who have lived in mere pleasures are in sensual light (lumen), 6310:2.
They who put the whole delight of life in pleasure, are coarse in such things as belong to thought and judgment, 8378.
After regeneration, the delight of pleasures serves as a middle and ultimate plane in which spiritual good ends, with its own blessedness and happiness, 8413:3.

Pledge (pignus). See also SECURITY.
A pledge for what is lent d. the reception of truth, and the response to that which is communicated: shown, 9212, 9213:2.

Plot, To (mchinari).
To plot d. to will from a depraved mind, 4724.

Plough, To, Ploughing (arare, aratio). See also under Ass and Ox.
Ploughing d. preparation from good to receive truths, thus good: shown, 5895;
the implantation of truth in good: shown, 10669.
What to plough with the ox and ass together s., 10669:5.

Poison (venenum).
Concerning the hell of those who murder by poison, 816, 817.
Poison d. deceit, or hypocrisy, in the spiritual sense, and venomous serpents d. the deceitful, or hypocrites: shown, 9013:3.

Poll, To. See To SHEAR.

Pomegranates (malogranata).
Pomegranates d. the scientifics of good: shown, 9552, 9918.

Pool (stagnum).
A description of it, 819.
Concerning a muddy pool, 956.
A pool of waters d. cognitions of good and truth by means of which intelligence is acquired; and, when the Egyptians are treated of, it d. scientifics: shown, 7324.
Lake of fire and brimstone d. hell, 7324:4.

Poor (pauper). See MISERY.
Something concerning the poor, 3820:2.
To be poor is to be rich, and to be needy is to be abounding; there is nothing of wisdom and of power from self, but from the Lord, 4459:4.
To do good to the poor is the external of the Church, and to do good to those who are in spiritual poverty is the internal of the Church; and in doing good both the internal and the external ought to be looked to, 9209:2.
The poor are they who are in little good from ignorance of the truth, and the needy are they who are in little truth from ignorance of the truth, and yet desire to be instructed: shown, 9209:3.
The poor d. those who are in few truths, and in falsities from ignorance, also in falsities and in good, as well as in falsities and in evil; concerning whom, 9253;
those who are not in the cognitions of truth and good, and yet desire them; hungering d. its thirst and desire, 10227:19.
How it is to be understood that heaven belongs to the miserable and poor, when yet the rich also hold positions of dignity there, 10227:19.

Pope (pontifex).
I spoke with him about various things; and the quality of his respiration when in the Consistory, 3750:2.
It is from the Divine Providence of the Lord that in the Catholic religion the bread only is given in the Holy Supper, 10040:2.

Poplar Tree (populus arbor).
The white poplar d. the good of truth, 4013.

Possession (possessio).
Possession d. to have the life of the Lord, 2658:5;
a station of spiritual life, 6103.
To possess d. to become his, 8323.

Post (postis).
Posts d. truths of the natural, and lintel d. its goods: shown, 7847.
Post d. conjunction, 8989:2.

Posterior. See BACK PARTS,

Pot (olla).
The pot which was for holy use s. doctrine, 8408:5, 10105:3;
because to boil flesh sd. to prepare for the use of life, 10105:3;
and what is boiled with water d. what is from the doctrine of truth, 7857. See WATER.
What a pot further s., see 8408.

Potiphar. See under WIFE.

Pottage. See PULSE.

Potter (figutus).
The potter is spoken of respecting God, and then the clay refers to man, 6669:6.

Power, Powerful. See MIGHTY ONE.

Pray, To, Prayer (orare, oratio).
In temptations there is no need of petitions (they are not heard), but those who are in them ought to fight against falsities and evils, and this as if from self, 8179:2.
True worship is from the Lord, and not from man: illustrated, 10299:2.
The prayer of the Lord was revelation, 2535.
The quality of spirits was made known from the Lord's Prayer, 4047.
Innumerable things are present in the Lord's Prayer and its particular contents, 6619.
To pray d. to be revealed, 2535;
to be communicated, 3285.
Jehovah was entreated d. the effect, 3287.
To supplicate d. humiliation, 7391;
intercession, 7396, 7462.

Precept (praeceptum). See also LAWS
There is a distinction between the precepts which relate to life, the judgments which relate to the civil state, and the statutes which relate to worship: shown, 8972:3.
Precepts d. the internal things of the Word, in the genuine sense; statutes d. the external things of the Word, 3382, 8362.
Law and precept d. truth in general and in particular, 9417.
To hearken to the precepts d. obedience and life according to the good of faith, 8362.

Precious (pretiosum).
Precious things d. spiritual things: shown, 3166.

Precious Stones, See DIAMOND,

Predestination (praedestinatio).
There is no predestination, or fate, but man has freedom; and Providence does not necessarily follow in order, but, like an architect about to build a house, brings together materials not in order, 6487.
All are predestined to heaven, and none to hell; from the angels, 6488.

Pregnant, To be (gravida esse). See WOMB.

Prepare, To (praeparare).
To prepare, when used respecting heaven, d. to give it out of mercy to those who are in the good of life and faith: shown, 9305.

Presence (praesentia).
The spirits are present which are thought of, 1274:2.

Present (munus).
By a present is understood worship, 349.
By the presents which were given to kings and priests is sd. initiation: shown, 4262:2.
The things which they offered upon the altar d. worship, 4262:2.
To offer presents to kings and priests was for the purpose of obtaining grace; and it sd. such things as ought to be offered to God from freedom, and from the heart, 5619, 5671, 5675.
Presents laid before Jehovah were testifications of such things as are offered from the heart: illustrated and shown, 9293:2.
Gifts and presents d. the things of faith and of love which are given from the Lord, although they appear to be from man, 9938:2.
Present d. any gain whatsoever, 9265.

Press, To. See To URGE.

Pretence. See SIMULATION.

Prevarication. See TRANSGRESSION.

Prevision. See FORESIGHT.

Prey (praeda).
To go up from the prey d. deliverance from hell, 6368.
Prey, spoil, and rapine are also spoken of in the Word with respect to the Lord, and then they s. the snatching away and deliverance of the faithful from hell, 6442.

Pride (superbia). See LOVE OF SELF.

Priest (sacerdos). See also under To ANOINT.
The governors over ecclesiastical things are called priests; a doctrinal statement concerning priesthood, 10789-10799.
There must be governors over ecclesiastical matters, 10792, 10793.
They ought to teach truth, and lead to the good of life, 10794.
They ought not to claim to themselves power over the souls of men, 10795.
Priests ought to have dignity on account of holy things, though they ought not to attribute it to themselves, but to the Lord, 10796;
because honour is not for the person, but for the thing, 10797;
they should not compel anyone, but separate those who make disturbance, 10798.
Evil priests, who in the world have moved the common people to tears by means of their preachings, greatly infest the upright, and speak altogether otherwise; an experience, 8383.
The priesthood succeeded in the family of Aaron to the sons, because they rd. the Lord as to the Divine Celestial, and the Celestial Kingdom is the priests" kingdom; briefly stated, 9946.
The priesthood of Aaron, of his sons, and of the Levites is a representative of the Lord's work of salvation in successive order, as in the three heavens, 10017.
All kings and priests r. the Lord: the former as to kingship, the latter as to the priestly office, but so far as they ascribe holiness therefrom to themselves they are spiritual thieves, and so far as they act evilly they put off the representative, 3670:2.
Priests rd. the Lord as to Divine Good, thus they d. goods; but kings, as to Divine Truth, thus they d. truths: shown, 6148:7.
Priest d. Divine Good, 9806:2.
Priesthood d. the Divine of the Lord's Divine Love: shown, 9809.
The priesthood was representative of the Lord as to all the work of salvation: illustrated and shown, 9809:6.
What a priest, also what the priestly office, and what the kingship of the Lord s., 1728.
What the Lord is as a king, and what as a priest, 2015:10.
To minister, when used respecting a priest, d. worship and evangelisation, 9925.

Primogeniture (primogenitura).
Whence is the dispute concerning primogeniture and the dominion therefrom, 376.
The controversy about primogeniture: whether it belongs to faith or to charity, 2345.
Primogeniture belongs to good actually, and to truth apparently, 4925:3, 4926, 4928, 4930.
Good is the elder son, or first-born: illustrated from the state of infants: that they are in a state of innocence, of love to the parents, and of mutual charity towards their infant companions, 3494.
The Lord is the First-born, and from Him those who are in love to Him, and also in charity towards the neighbour; thus good is the first-born, although with the spiritual man, in the beginning, it appears as if truth were: shown, 3325:5.
The spiritual were adopted by means of the Lord's coming in the world, and called "first-born sons" from the faith of charity, 7035.
The first-born son was called "the beginning of forces": shown, 6344:3;
and this because the faith of the Church was sd. by first-born, 6344:3.
Because all generations pertain to regeneration, or the new birth, the first-born therefrom is faith, 8042.
Primogeniture or birthright d. priority and superiority, 3325.
First-born d. the faith of the spiritual Church, because truth is the essential therein, and good itself is truth, 8042;
the truths of faith which are immediately from charity; concerning which, 8042:2;
charity, or the good of faith, 8080.
The first-born of worship s. the Lord; the first-born of the Church s. faith, 352e.
Why the first-born of Egypt were slain, and what it s., 3325:11. See EGYPT.
The firstborn of Egypt d. faith without charity: illustrated, 7039.
Faith without charity is damned; concerning which, 7766.
The first-born in the land of Egypt also d. the falsified truth of faith, 7950:2.
The death of the first-born in Egypt d. the damnation of faith separated from charity, 7778.
The first-born of Pharaoh d. falsified truths of faith, which are in the first place, 7779.
To redeem the first-born of man d. not to ascribe truths of faith to the Lord, but its goods: illustrated, 8080.
The first-born of beast d. the adulterated goods of faith, 7781.

Prince. See CHIEF.

Principal (principale).
Everything of life is from the Lord, and is as principal and instrumental, which act as one cause; and is felt in the instrumental, 6325.

Principle. See BEGINNING.

Prison (carcer). See also CUSTODY, PIT, and BOUND.
One who is sick d. one who is in evil; one who is bound, or in prison d. one who is in falsity, 4958e.
In the house of a prison d. among falsities, 5085.
To be given into the house of a prison, and there to be kept bound d. to be let into temptations as to falsities: shown, 5037;
thus it d. to come into vastation as to falsity, consequently into temptations, 5037;
and also it d. those who are in falsities from ignorance of truth, 5037:2.
The place in which the bound of the king are d. a state of the vastation of falsity, 5038.
They who are in falsity, especially in falsities from evil, and who are in persuasion, are called the bound, and also they are bound interiorly, 5096.
To be bound d. to be separated, 5452.
To be given into custody d. rejection, 5083, 5101;
separation, 5456.

Procreation. See under ADULTERY.

Proceed, To (procedere). See To Go FORTH.

Prodigy (prodigium). See MIRACLES and SIGN.

Produce (proventus).
Produce d. fruit, 6155;
the goods of truth from instruction: shown, 9272:2, 9273.

Profane, To (prophanare). See WORSHIP.
What profanation is; they can profane who acknowledge; but they who do not acknowledge, still less they who do not know, cannot profane, 1008, 1010:2, 1059e.
Profanation consists in acknowledging and believing truths and goods, and willing and living contrary to them: illustrated, 4601:2.
Unless faith is conjoined to good it becomes either no faith or is conjoined to evil, whence it is profaned, 6348.
Profanations are from the conjunction of good and evil, 6348:3.
To profane is to believe truth and to live evilly, also to believe nothing and live holily, 8882.
Within the Church a man is withheld with difficulty from the conjunction of falsity and evil with truths; why, 9188.
Profanation takes place by means of denial after acknowledgment: illustrated, 10287.
There are various kinds of profanation; concerning which, 10287:3.
What perils there are from the profanation of the Word, and of holy things, 571, 582.
Who can profane, 593.
They who are within the Church can profane holy things, not so they who are outside, 2051e.
They who are of the spiritual Church can profane truths; they who are of the celestial Church, as of the antediluvians, can profane goods, 3399.
Concerning those who turn clean things into unclean, and holy things into profane ones, 5390.
The lot of all profaners is the worst in the other life; an experience, 6348:3.
He who in boyhood believes truths from his masters lightly profanes them; and he who confirms them with himself, and does not live according to them, or afterwards denies them, profanes them, 6959:2, 6963:2, 6971:2.
If a man relapses after repentance, he profanes, and then his later state is worse than his former, 8394.
They who have first acknowledged Divine truths, and afterwards denied them, profane them; but they who have denied from infancy, as the Jews and others, do not profane them; and the Lord exercises the greatest care that profanation should not take place: references, 10287:2.
Worship applied to the loves of self becomes infernal, 10307, 10309;
in like manner to imitate affections, as if they were heavenly, from the proprium, is infernal, 10309.
It is believed by the evil that all things are of their own prudence; but not by the good, 10779.
Concerning those who bring down spiritual things to earthly things, and defile them; nevertheless they are not among the profane, 4050:4.
The nations cannot profane holy things, 1327:3, 1328, 2051, 2056e.
They are kept in ignorance that the truths of faith may not be profaned, and so they may not perish, 301-303.
Holy things ought not to be commingled with profane things, 1001:5.
Truths from good should not be commingled with falsities from evil: illustrated, 9298:2.
Worship is made external lest the internal should be profaned, 1327, 1328.
It is provided by the Lord that good and evil may not be commingled, 2426.
Good and truth cannot be profaned, except by those who have first acknowledged them; the reason, 3398:2.
Therefore they were withheld as far as possible from the acknowledgment and faith of good and truth, if they could not remain in them, 3398:2, 3401.
Consequently internal truths were not disclosed to the Jews; concerning which, 3398:3, 3479:2.
Internal truths were not first revealed until the Church was vastated, because then truth could not be profaned, 3398:4, 3399.
Therefore the Lord then came into the world, and consequently the internal sense was not opened until now, 3398:4.
Interior truths cannot be profaned, except by those who know and acknowledge them, 3898:2.
Interior things are preserved lest by profanation they should be injured, 6595.
The Jews would have profaned truths if they had known them; and they had leprosy therefrom, 6963.
Profanation was rd. by the eating of blood, 1003.
By the prohibited degrees are sd. various kinds of profanation, 6348:2.
To profane d. no worship, 8943.

Progressions (progressiones).
What they are in the other life, see PLACE.

Prohibited Degrees, See under ADULTERY and PROFANATION.

Prolong, To (prolonqare).
To prolong days, see LENGTH.

Promise, To (spondere).
To promise for another d. to be adjoined to him, 5609, 5839.

Prophet (propheta).
Prophetic revelations in the Jewish Church were not from perception, but from speech with angels by means of whom the Lord spoke; what is the difference, 5121:3.
Prophets were clad in hairy coats; why, 3301:2.
The quality of influx with the prophets; an experience, 6212.
When prophets are named in the Word, the prophetical Word is dd,, but with a difference, 3652.
Prophets d. the truths of doctrine, thus those who teach: shown, 2534.
Prophet d. one who teaches, and doctrine, 7269.
What vision and divination d., when they are predicated respecting prophets, 9248:2.
Divination, when used with respect to prophets, has regard to life; vision, to doctrine, 9248:2.

Propitiate, To, and Propitiatory (propitiatare et propitiatorium).
The propitiatory d. the hearing and reception of all things which belong to worship from the good of love, 9506;
thus the cleansing of evils and the remission of sins, the same as expiation: illustrated and shown, 9506.

Propriety. See DECORUM.

Proprium (proprium). See EVIL, MAN, and HEREDITARY.
The proprium as it is with men and angels is described, 141, 159.
The proprium is twofold: one from hell, and the other from the Lord, 3812:2.
What the proprium is, and how the case is with a regenerate man, 731.
Man's proprium consists in thinking about himself in everything; the heavenly proprium consists in thinking about the neighbour, the public, the Church, the Lord's kingdom, and the Lord, in everything, 5660:2.
He who is in the latter proprium trusts in the Lord, and is blessed, 5660:3.
The heavenly marriage is in the proprium, 155.
A man by compelling himself to resist evil and to do good, receives the heavenly proprium from the Lord, 1937:3, 1947.
That a man may receive the heavenly proprium and heavenly freedom he ought to do good as from himself, and to think truth as from himself, 2882, 2883, 2891.
What is from the proprium is from freedom, see FREEDOM.
Concerning those who believe all things are from themselves, and nothing from the Divine; whence this is with them in the other life: that they call dignities and wealth blessings, when in many instances they are curses; they obtain such things, because a man is led by means of the intellectual, that he may be saved, and because he is left in freedom; concerning their hell in the other life, 10409:2.
Freedom derived from the proprium is nothing but evil, 5786:3.
The proprium of man is described as nothing but evil and falsity, 210, 215.
Man can do nothing good and think nothing true from the proprium, 874-876.
Man's proprium is evil; and there is a voluntary proprium, and an intellectual proprium which is falsity therefrom, 10283:2, 10284, 10286.
A man, a spirit, and an angel, as to their own proprium, are the vilest excrement, 987.
All falsity flows in from the proprium, 1047. See also WILL.
Hell is from the proprium by means of the love of self and the world, 694.
Good from the Lord has inmostly in itself heaven and the Lord, and good from the proprium has hell within in itself, 8480:3.
To imitate affections as if they were heavenly, in worship, from the proprium, is infernal, 10309.
The proprium in those who are about to be regenerated is inanimate, 39, 41.
They who enter into heaven put off the proprium and the merit of self, 4007e.
The proprium vivified by charity and innocence is beautiful and delightful, 164.
Evil is not separated from men and angels, but he is withheld from evil in good, 1581.
So far as man's voluntary proprium can be separated, the Lord can be present, 1023, 1044:3.
Man's proprium ought to be separated that the Lord may be present, 1023, 1044.
The voluntary, thus the proprium, has been altogether destroyed with the spiritual; an experience, 4328.
They who are of the Church, where the Word is, are called by the Lord His own, 8768.
Those things which are from one's own intelligence have no life in themselves, but those which are from the Word, 8941e;
illustrated, 8944.
He who is led from himself and his own loves, thus from the proprium, cannot be saved: illustrated, 10731.
It is believed by the evil that all things are of their own prudence, but not by the rood, 10779.
Goods and truths with the regenerated man become as if they were his own, but are not his own: illustrated, 8497.
Man ought to do good and truth as it were from the proprium, and not let his hands hang down; concerning which, 1712:2.
All good is from the Lord, and all evil from man; therefore evils and goods are at the same time with man; concerning which, 10808.
The proprium is sd. by the rib and bones, 147-149, 157.

Prosper, To (prosperare).
To prosper d. to be provided, 4972, 4975, 5049.

Prostitute (scortum). See HARLOT and ADULTERY.

Protest, To (contestari).
To protest d. to be averse, 5584.

Prove, To. See To TEMPT.

Provender. See FODDER.

Providence (Providentia).

Universal and Particular.
From being in the most particular things the Lord's providence is universal, 1919:4;
something concerning it, 2694:3.
The Lord's providence is not universal unless it is in the most particular things, 4329:4;
but it is in the most particular things, 5122e.
The Divine providence is in the very particulars of all things, 5894:4.
The Lord's providence is in the most particular things; confirmed by angels, 6486.
The Lord's providence is universal, because it is in the most particular things, 6481-6486, 6490.
Several fallacies oppose this, 6484.
The universal is according to the particulars, thus the Lord's providence is infinite even in the particular things, 6483.
The Lord flows into the ultimate of order, and into media, not only mediately by means of heaven, the angels, and spirits, but also especially immediately; thence providence is in the most particular things, 7004:2, 7007:3.
Concerning mediate influx by means of heaven from the Lord, 6982, 6985, 6996.

Providence and Foresight.
The Lord has foresight and providence; foresight has respect to man, that he may be in freedom; providence has respect to the Lord, that He may rule freedom, 3854:2.
Foresight is joined to providence; evil is foreseen, and good is provided, 6489.
Good is provided, and evil is foreseen, 5155, 5195.
Where providence is there foresight is; the one does not exist without the other, 5195.
Happenings are from providence, and pertain to providence: illustrated, 5508.
Fortune is providence in the ultimate of order, 6493e, 6494. See also FORTUNE.

Providence and Man's Prudence.
One's own prudence is as a mist in the atmosphere, and providence is as the universal atmosphere, 6485.
Concerning a certain one who believed that nothing was of Providence, but was of his own prudence; and when heaven flowed into his delight it became hell to him, 6484.
Concerning those who believe that all things are from themselves, and nothing from the Divine; whence this is with them in the other life, that they call dignities and wealth blessings from the Divine, when in many instances they are curses; and that they succeed to them is because a man is led by means of the intellectual, so that he may be saved, and be left in freedom; concerning their hell who are such, 10409:2.

How Providence Acts, and what its End is.
Everything that exists is from the First, or Supreme, thus from the Lord, 9128:3.
The Lord rules immediately and mediately by means of heaven, and His providence is in the most particular things, not as a king in the world, 8717:2.
This they hardly comprehend in the world, 8717:2.
The Lord rules the world by means of the evil equally as by the good, leading the former by means of their loves, 6481:2, 6495.
There Is no predestination, or fate, but man has freedom; and Providence is like an architect who brings materials together, not in their own order, 6487.
All are predestined to heaven, none to hell; from the angels, 6488.
The Lord turns evil into good, for the infernals intend evil, and the Lord intends good, 6574:3.
Providence acts invisibly; the reason, 5508:2.
There is an immediate influx from the Lord into the most particular things, and a mediate influx by means of the spiritual world, 6058.
The Lord is his Father when a man exercises his own judgment, and he no longer has a natural father as at first, 6492.
That the Lord's providence is infinite, and regards what is eternal, appears from man's formation in the womb, and afterwards more so as to the spiritual life, 6491.
The Lord does not regard temporal things, but eternal ones, with man, 8717e.
Who are in the stream of Divine providence, and who not; with those who are in it all things in general and particular conduce to eternal happiness, 8478:4, 8480:3.
Evils and falsities are not from the Lord: illustrated, 9128:3.

Seriatim Statement of the Doctrine.
A doctrinal statement respecting the Divine providence, 10773-10781.
Providence is the Lord's government in the heavens and on the earths, from which every good and truth is, 10773.
It extends to the most particular things, 10774.
They who think from worldly things, that the evil are honoured and become rich, and that their arts succeed, believe that providence is universal, but not particular, 10775.
Yet eminence and wealth are not real blessings, but the eternal things which are in heaven are, 10776.
That arts succeed is because it is from order that all things shall be done according to reason, and with freedom, 10777.
To leave man to do evil therefrom is to permit, 10778.
The providence of particular things is both with the evil and the good, 10779.
This cannot be comprehended from the light of nature, 10780.
There are providence and foresight, 10781.
That God does d. providence, and has in itself what is eternal and infinite; concerning which, 5264.

Provision (annona). See CORN (frumentum).

Provision (viaticum).
Provision d. support from truth and good: shown, 5490, 5953.

Proximity. See under AFFINITY.

Prudence (prudentia).
Something concerning prudence, 2694:3.
Concerning a certain one who believed that nothing was of Providence, but all things were of man's own prudence; and his delight therefrom, when heaven flowed in, became hell to him, 6484.
Man's own prudence is like a mist in the atmosphere, and Providence as the universal atmosphere, 6485.
The evil call cunning prudence, and place wisdom in it, 6655.

Psalms of David (Psalmi Davidis).
The Psalms of David are from the rhythmical speech of spirits, 1648.

Pulse, or Pottage (puls, seu pulmentum).
In the Word, pulse, or pottage s. a mass of doctrinal and scientific things: shown, 3316.

Punctuation. See AND,

Punish, To (punire). See PENALTY.

Purchase. See under ACQUISITION.

Pure (purum). See PURIFICATION.

Purification, Pure (purificatio, purum). See REGENERATION.
Spiritual purifications, which are purifications from evils am1 falsities, are effected by means of truths, 2039e, 5954e, 7601:6, 7918, 9088:2, 10229e, 10237.
They are effected in the natural man, because man's perception is there, 10237.
The difference between purification and regeneration, 10239:2.
A thing is said to be pure which is without evil, 10296, 10301;
what is pure is interior and exterior, 10296.

Purple (hyacinthinum). See also CRIMSON.
Purple d. the celestial love of truth; and crimson d. the celestial love of good: shown, 9466.
Purple, crimson, scarlet double-dyed, and fine linen woven together d. the good of charity and of faith: illustrated, 9687, 9833.

Pursue, To (persequi).
To pursue, when it relates to the Egyptians, d. an intention of subjugation, 8136, 8152, 8154.

Pustule. See BLAIN.

Put (Puth).
What Put, or Lybia, s., 1163, 1164, 1166.

Put On, To. See GARMENT.

Putridity (putredo).
Putridity s. the filthy infernal, and it is spoken of with respect to evil, 8482.