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Nadab and Abiliu (Nadab et Abihu).
Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, d. doctrines from the Word, 9374, 9375, 9403;
the Divine Spiritual from the Divine Celestial, 9811.

Nahor (Nachor).
Nahor was an idolater, 1356.
What Nahor s., 1351.
Nahor d. what is related, 3052;
the common stock from which are the goods of the Churches with the nations, 3778, 4206, 4207.
The sons of Nahor by his wife Milcah d. those outside the Church who are in brotherhood from good, 2863, 2864, 3778:2.
They who were born to Nahor of Reumah, the concubine, d. those who are in idolatrous worship and in good, 2868.

Nail (clavus).
Nail d. a fastening and adjunction, 8990e.
Nails d. things conjoining and strengthening: shown, 9777.

Nakedness (nuditas).
Nakedness is of innocence, and without innocence it is a disgrace, 165.
To the chaste and innocent nakedness is not a matter of shame and scandal, but to the lascivious and shameless, 8375e.
Nakedness, to the degree that they are ashamed, d. evil, because it is a disgrace and scandal, 213, 214.
Nakedness d. to be without truths: shown, 5433;
the interiors of love its signification is according to the parts which appear naked: shown, 9960.
Nakedness of the body d. deprivation of the truths of faith, 9960:2.
Nakedness of the loins and genitals d. deprivation of the good of love: shown, 9960:2.
The nakedness of Noah is explained here, 9960:16.
Nakedness, when used respecting those who are in celestial good, d. the good of celestial love: shown, 9960.
The nakedness of Adam is explained here, 9960:19.
Stripped of garments d. deprived of the truths of faith, 1073.
He is naked who acknowledges that nothing of good and truth is in himself: briefly, 4958.
Baldness d. deprivation of the intelligence of truth and of the wisdom of good: shown, 9960:3.

Name (nomen).
The ancients involved in their names what they signified, 340.
In ancient time names were given which were significative of states, 1946.
Formerly names significative of state were bestowed on infants, 2643:2.
In ancient time names were all significative of a thing or a state, 3422, 4298.
At length they worshipped the name only, 2724.
Names do not penetrate into heaven, 1876;
nor can any name be uttered, 1876:2.
The name of a person does not enter heaven, 10282e.
Names do not enter into heaven, but the things which they signify; and the names of things are perceived from the series, because in the inmost heaven the Lord is understood by means of several names, 10216.
How elegant the internal sense is even though there be mere names, 1224, 1264.
What names of places and persons in the Words, is perceived immediately in heaven; whence this is, 6516:2.
When anyone is named in the Word, the man of the Church, or whatever is of the Church is sd. 768.
When a name is mentioned in the Word it d. to know what the quality is, 1896.
A name in the Word s. what the quality of anyone is: shown, 2009.
In the Word, by names are sd. things; and also in the writings of the old and the ancient peoples: shown, 4442:2.
Names of places do not s. the same in one sense as in the other, 4310.
The idea of a person is turned, in the internal sense, into the idea of a thing, 5225.
Several names of a person represent one person; and several names express one thing, 5095.
The Divine Human of the Lord is the Name of Jehovah, 2628e.
This arcanum is only mentioned, 2628e.
The Name of Jehovah d. the Divine Human of the Lord: shown, 6887.
What is sd. by the names of the Lord, Jesus Christ, 3004-3011. See CHRIST.
By His Name is sd. everything in one complex by which the Lord is worshipped, 3006.
The Name of God d. everything in one complex by which God is worshipped; thus the quality: shown, 2724.
The Name of the Lord, or of Jehovah, d. everything of faith and charity, from which He is worshipped: shown, 6674:2.
Jehovah is his Name d. that the Lord alone is He from whom are all things, 8274.
The Name of the Lord d. every good of love and every truth of faith, which is from the Lord: shown, 9310.
To take the Name of God into vanity d. to profane, blaspheme, and apply the Divine statutes to idolatrous worship, as the Jews did when they adored a calf, 8882.
Name s. essence, or what the quality is, 1754;
essence, when used respecting the Lord, 3237.
Names, in the Word, s. nothing else than things: illustrated by example, 1888;
things, 10329.
Name and to call by name d. to know what the quality is, 144, 145.
By to call upon the Name of Jehovah is sd. all worship, 440.
To call on the Name of God d. worship, 2724.
To call, without a name, d. to be such: shown, 3221.
What to make a name s., 1419.


Naphtali (Naphiali).
Naphtahi, named from "wrestlings" and "she wrestled," d., in the highest sense, one's own power; in the internal sense, temptation in which he conquers; and, in the external sense, resistance from the natural man, 3928, 4608.
Naphtahi also s. the state after temptations: shown, 3928:3, 6412.

Nations, Gentiles (gentes, gentiles).
In the most ancient time a distinction was made between houses, families, and nations, 470, 1159, 1246.
The reason why they thus dwelt distinct, 471, 483:2.
In the earth Jupiter time inhabitants are distinguished into nations, families, and houses, 8117;
similarly on this our earth in ancient times; and they were then accepted by the Lord; concerning which, 8118.
The good with the nations is from the Lord; and the nations are more easily reformed (for they are in heaven) than Christians, 932:2, 1032:3.
All, of whatsoever religion, may be saved; and the nations more than Christians, if only they have the remains of good, 2284e.
The nations are in many truths, even more than Christians, and they can he easily imbued hereafter with the truths of faith, 2863:2, 3263:2.
The nations, who are in mutual charity, are more easily saved than Christians, who are not in it; an experience, 4190:2.
Something concerning the nations, 593.
With the nations there is not so great a cloud as with the Christians, 1059:2.
The Lord is equally present with them, in charity, 1059:2.
With the nations the interiors are not closed, as they are with those who are within the Church, 9256:2.
The good of the nations can be opened, and it is opened in the other life, with those who have lived in charity; it is otherwise with Christians who are not in charity, 4197.
The nations cannot profane, and therefore their lot is better, 1327:4, 1328.
The nations cannot profane holy things, as they who are within the Church do, 2051e.
The nations may be in truths, but not in the truths of faith, though they who live in charity easily receive the truths of faith, 2049.
The nations are not truly spiritual before they are instructed in the truths of faith; and those who have lived in good are instructed in the other life, and become spiritual, 2861.
Truths with the nations are external appearances, from illusions of sense; but still they who are in good are saved; concerning which truths, 3778:2.
The nations have external truths such as those of the Decalogue, and also internal truths by a certain reasoning, 4190.
The nations, if they are in the good of works, are in the collateral line; if they are within the Church, they are in the direct line, 4189:3.
Good with the nations is at the side, but with Christians it is in the direct line, 4197.
The Church of the Lord is also among the nations, 3263:2.
The Church is restored with the nations; why, 1366:2.
A new Church is always established with the nations; the reason, 2986:2.
A new Church is established with the nations, because the old is in a state that it cannot receive truth, 4747:3.
A new Church is established with the nations, because they acknowledge the Lord: shown and illustrated, 9256:5.
The nations were they who acknowledged a common father, 1362.
There is conjunction of the nations with the Lord's Divine Natural and Sensual, 4211.
They were not to contract marriages with the nations lest they became idolaters, and evils and falsities were conjoined with goods and truths, 4444:4.
Many who are learned in the truths of faith are in hell, and they who are not in truths and also who are in falsities are in hell, by reason that they are not in good: shown, 9192:2.
They who are outside the Church are called foes, haters, and enemies, from spiritual disagreement, 9255, 9256.
Charity ought to be exercised towards those who are outside the Church, 9256.
After the loves of self and the world have entered and begun to reign, they are gathered together to dwell in cities, and to subject themselves to commands, that they may be secure, 7364e, 10130:3, 10814.
Concerning the state and condition, in the other life, of the nations and peoples outside the Church, 2589-2605.
The general opinion is that they are not saved; concerning which, 2589.
They who have lived the life of good are saved, 2590:2.
What is the difference, in the other life, between gentiles and Christians, 2590:2;
there are wise and simple; in ancient times they were wise, 2591.
A discourse with a certain wise gentile concerning wisdom, intelligence, order, the Word, and the Lord, 2592.
Concerning the wise of the Ancient Church; that their only manner of thinking, speaking, and writing was representative and significative, 2593.
They who at the present day are simple, 2594.
Gentiles are initiated into a choir within a few hours, 2595.
Chinese gentiles, from their representations of choirs, are known; how far they were in the affection of charity; and that they dread Christians on account of their life, 2596, 2597.
Concerning a gentile who heard of Micah; the quality of his affection of grief; and he rejected the idea of a graven image, 2598.
Of a gentile who said he knew from good all truths, 2599.
The gentiles are reformed according to their own religious system, and according to their state of life, 2600.
Concerning those who build cities; they conceal an arcanum therein, and they give the cities, 2601.
They who make themselves great, when they adore, immediately prostrate themselves as worms, and suppose their greatest God to be moving around on high and looking at all things, 2602.
They who love to be treated hardly that they may come to paradisiacal places; in what manner they are reformed, 2603.
They say they are black in body, but dazzling white in soul, 2603.
The gentiles are carried to some who were substituted for those whom they worshipped under an image, as an idol, 2604.
Concerning those in the Ancient Church who became idolaters, 2605.
Nations s. in general voluntary and intellectual things, or goods and truths, 622, 1159:3, 1258;
goods and evils in worship, 1259, 1260.
Nation d. celestial good, thus the Lord's kingdom; in the supreme sense, the Lord, 1416;
good, 6005;
good and evil, 1849.
What is sd. by the nations which were driven out of the land of Canaan, 1868.
What the nations despoiled and their goods possessed s., 2588:16.
The assembly of the nations d. truths from good, and the Divine forms, 4574.
Holy nation d. the Spiritual Kingdom, 8771.
The sons of Israel in the land of Canaan rd. celestial things, and the nations there rd. infernal things; and they were on that account given to the curse; and the sons of Israel were forbidden to enter into a covenant with them, 6306.
When nation and people are spoken of, by nation is understood they who are in celestial good; by people, they who are in spiritual good, 10288e.

Nativity. See BIRTH.

Nature, Natural (natura, naturale).

The Natural World, or Nature.
How perverse the world is, in that at the present time it attributes so much to nature, and nothing to the Lord, 3483.
Neither from the light of nature, nor from natural theology is anything known respecting God and heaven; but all things are known from revelation: illustrated, 8944.
In universal nature there are representatives of the Lord's kingdom; an example, 2758.
Universal nature is a theatre representative of the Lord's kingdom, and this is a theatre representative of the Lord, 3483.
Nature is a theatre representative of the Lord's kingdom, 4939;
because spiritual and celestial things terminate there, 4939.
All things in nature represent and correspond: references, 9280.
Spiritual things are presented in natural, and correspondences and representations are therefrom, 2987-3002.
Representatives in nature relate to the human form: illustrated, 10185.
Actual representatives in nature are from the Lord's influx, 1632.
Man is so created that by means of him Divine things of the Lord descend into nature, and from nature, as it were, ascend, 3702.
There is an endeavour in natural things from the spiritual world, without which nothing would exist that does exist, 5173:2.
Whatever there is in nature had its rise and origin from those things which are in the spiritual world: shown, 8211:2.

Natural Man or Mind.
The natural man, see also SCIENTIFIC and RATIONAL.
By the natural simply spoken of is to be understood the natural mind, 5301.
That the natural of man may live there must be an immediate influx from the Lord, and a mediate influx by means of the spiritual world, 6063:2.
To the natural man pertain scientifics, the imaginative faculty, such things as are principally in childhood, and the natural affections which a man has in common with the brutes, 3020:2.
The natural man is the elder of the house, and the administrator, 3020.
Concerning the obedience of the natural; it then exists when it looks to heaven, not to the world, 5368.
Concerning the subjugation of the natural, 6567. See REGENERATION.
The natural is a plane in which influx terminates, therefore the old must be subjugated, and the new is given, when the man is regenerated, which is the spiritual-natural, 5651:2.
Concerning the regeneration of the natural man, 8742-8747.
The quality of the natural man not regenerated, and the quality of him regenerated, 8744, 8745.
Man is not regenerated until the natural is, 9043, 9046e, 9061.
Those things which are in the natural are relatively obscure, 6686.
The whole natural is in falsity and evil in its outermost things, and there are no truths there, 7645.
The natural communicates on the one part through sensual things with the world, and on the other part through rational things with heaven; and there are communicating intermediates, 4009.
All things in the natural are arranged according to ends; concerning which, 4104:4.
The natural is external, middle, and internal; concerning which, 4570:2.
What the natural is exteriorly and interiorly: illustrated, 5497.
The natural is interior and exterior; and man does not know this, but angelic societies know it well, 5649:3.
The natural is interior, exterior, or middle, and outermost; and interior things cease end are at rest in exterior; they also have a connection with exterior things, 9216.
In the interior there are thousands and thousands of things which appear as one in the exterior, 5707:2.
The natural as to good is interior and exterior; concerning which, 3293;
also as to truth it is interior and exterior, 3294.
The natural, especially the interior, is a plane and as it were a surface in which the interiors see themselves; and otherwise a man could not think, 5165:2.
In the natural there are both good and truth, 2184:7.
The natural consists of good and truth, and its good is called delightful, but its truth is called scientific, 3293.
The truths of the natural are sensual, scientific, and doctrinal; and these follow, 3309, 3310:4.
The doctrinal truths are based upon the scientific truths, and these upon the sensual; otherwise the idea of doctrinals cannot be held, 3310e.
In the natural there must be a marriage of good and truth; and what it is, 3793;
and the natural is interior and exterior, 2793:2.
The first affection of truth in the natural man is not that of genuine truth, but this comes successively, 3040.

Natural and Rational Man.
With man there is a rational and a natural; the former is internal, the latter external, 5150:2.
The natural is interior and exterior; and the interior communicates with the rational, and the exterior with the world, 5118, 5126.
What the distinction of the natural and rational man is, 3020.
The rational is distinct from the natural, so much so that the rational can exist apart from the natural life, but not the natural without the rational life, 3498.
To man, while he lives in the body, it appears as if the rational lived in the natural; and the rational does not appear distinct from the natural, 3498:2.
The natural is as a body, the end in the rational is as a soul, and the things which are in the natural are relatively as the body of their soul, 3570:3.
Concerning the combat of man s rational and natural; and what is the man's quality if the former, or if the hatter conquers, 2183:2.
The natural is regenerated by means of the rational, and so far as the natural does not fight against the rational it is regenerated, 3286.
The natural is regenerated from rational good as a father, and from rational truth as a mother, 3286, 3288.
The rational receives truths sooner than the natural, because the natural is to be regenerated by means of influx from the rational, 3321.
The rational receives truths and goods sooner than the natural, 4612:2.
Several reasons why the natural is regenerated later, and with more difficulty, than the rational, 3321:3.
The rational is regenerated sooner than the natural; why, 3493.
Unless the natural is regenerated, the rational cannot produce anything of truth and good, 4588.
The natural must be regenerated before it can he conjoined to the rational; the reason, 4612:4.
The good of the rational flows into the good of the natural immediately, and into the truth of the natural mediately; and this is signified by Isaac loved Esau, and Rebekah loved Jacob, 3314, 3573, 3616, 3969:2.
From the inmost good of the rational the goods and truths in the natural come forth, 3576.
Concerning this see TRUTH and REGENERATION.
It is the rational whence the seeds of good and truth are, and the natural whence the ground is, 3671.
The rational appears to itself to see nothing, unless the natural corresponds, 3493:2, 3620.
In the natural there are general things, in the rational their particulars; and the natural is formed from the particulars of the rational, 3513.
The rational man thinks in the natural; concerning which, 3679:2. See THOUGHT.
The rational lives in the natural: illustrated, 4618:3.
The natural is beneath the rational; and if they harmonise, the natural is nothing but the formation of those things which are in the rational as being common, 4667:2.
Unless this natural is subordinate, and thus in correspondence, the interior man cannot think, thus cannot believe anything, nor have faith, 5168:2.
The natural does not look forward to, and do anything from itself (although it so appears), but from the interior, 5286.
The Divine Natural of the Lord came forth from the Divine Rational Good by means of the Divine Truth therein, 3283.

Natural and Spiritual Man.
Concerning the internal and external man, or the natural and spiritual man, 9701-9709.
What the spiritual and the natural man are, or what is the same, the internal and the external: the spiritual man is wise from the light of heaven, and the natural from the light of the world, 3167.
By the fall they were separated, and the natural man exalts himself above the spiritual; wherefore there must be regeneration, 3167.
Whence it is that the internal man is called spiritual, and the external, natural, 9383.
The internal lives in the natural man, but it clothes itself with those things by means of which it can accomplish the effect in a lower sphere, 6275, 6284;
illustrated, 6299:2.
The natural is opposed to the spiritual: illustrated, 3913:3, 3928.
Nothing appears to the natural man that is in the spiritual, unless there is a correspondence and medium; and conversely all things which are in the natural appear to the spiritual, 5427, 5428:2, 5477.
The natural is in the light of the world; the spiritual, in the light of heaven; the former is the external of the Church, the latter is the internal, 5965.
The natural must necessarily be regenerated that influx may be through the internal, otherwise the internal is closed, 6299:3.
The natural man separated from the internal cannot endure a spiritual sphere, 9109.
Temptation is combat between the natural and the spiritual man, 3927, 3928.
Purifications and evacuations of the internal man take place in the natural: illustrated, 9572.
The natural is constituted of the spiritual with the regenerated, as effect is of cause 5326.
The life of the natural, although in good, does not give salvation, but the life of faith, which is spiritual life: illustrated, 8772.
There must be a correspondence of the natural man with the spiritual, or internal, that man may be regenerated; and a man is not regenerated until the natural is regenerated: references, 9325e.
The spiritual is prior, and the natural posterior: illustrated, 5013.
There are with everyone an internal, a rational, and a natural, 2181.

Natural Degree.
In man there are three things,-the corporeal, the natural, and the rational; and they communicate, 4038.
The celestial, spiritual, and natural follow each other in order; concerning which, 9992, 10005;
but the good of love, of charity, and of faith follow in their own order, 4938, 4939, 9992, 10005, 10017:2, 10266.
The celestial, spiritual, and natural succeed each other, 8802.
Every natural is from a spiritual, thence from a celestial, thus from the Lord, 775.
The natural is the ultimate of order, 4240.
Celestial things are the head, spiritual things the body, and natural things the feet; and thus they succeed and flow m, 4938, 4939.
In the natural of the memory, as in their own ground, are implanted the cognitions of truth and good by means of life, 3762:2.
Natural good and truth are of a twofold origin-from hereditary nature and from doctrine; the former is good and truth, natural not spiritual; but the latter is good and truth natural-spiritual: illustrated, 4988:2, 4992.
Concerning natural good, which is of a fourfold kind, and is extirpated when a man is regenerated, 3470, 3471.
The distinction between natural good and the good of the natural; the former is from parents, the latter from the Lord, 3518.
Concerning those who are in natural good and not at the same time in spiritual good; and their lot in the other life, relatively to those who are in spiritual good; or in good from religion; concerning which, 5116.
They who do good from natural good, and not from religious doctrine, cannot be saved; concerning whom, 6208;
they have no conscience into which angels flow, 6208.
The quality of those who do good from natural disposition alone; they cannot be in heaven, 8002.
A life according to natural good does not save, but a life according to the precepts of faith and charity, 7197.
Spiritual truth agrees with natural truth in ultimates; and then there is not conjunction, but only affinity: illustrated, 5008, 5028.
Concerning faith merely natural; it is sensual faith, the faith of miracles and authority, and is not of the Lord; but the truth of innocence is therein, 8078.

Naturally-Minded Man.
Who have only a natural idea respecting spiritual things, and who have a sensual idea; and they do not acknowledge spiritual things, 4046.
The merely natural sicken at those things which belong to heaven, and at the bare mention of spiritual things; from experience, 5006:2.
The natural do not regard spiritual good and truth but as a servant, 5013, 5025.
They who are purely natural have something hairy in the place of a face, 5571.
Concerning the Dutch; some of them are purely natural, 5573.
A stench of teeth, and the odour of burnt bone are smelt from those who are altogether natural, 4630.
The natural are unseen; who they are, 4630.
The natural dwell beneath the feet and soles, where the lower earth is, 4940-4951.
Concerning those who ascribe all things to nature, and nothing to the Divine, 4941.
The largest part of Christians are sent into the lower earth, because they are natural, 4944.
They who ascribe all things to nature, and speak of a Supreme Being, cannot have an idea of a living Deity, 4950.

The natural man is the servant, and all things which are therein are services, 3019.
Washings d. purifications of the external, or natural man: illustrated, 3147.

Nazarite (Naziraeus).
Why the Nazarites had long hair, 3301:3;
whence Samson had his strength; it was because it is truth that fights, before it becomes good; and this was strongly with the celestial man; on that account chiefly he rd. the Lord, 3301:4.
See also HAIR.
The Nazarites rd. the Lord as to the Divine Human, especially as to His Divine Natural, and therefrom the celestial man, 3301:3.
Nazarites d. the Divine Truth in ultimates, 9407:9.
A Nazarite rd. the Lord's Divine Natural: shown, 6437.
The crown of a Nazarite's head d. the exteriors, 6437.

Near (propinquus). See To APPROACH.
To be near d. perpetual conjunction, 5911.
Near d. that it first presents itself, 8094.
To approach and be near d. conjunction and presence: illustrated and shown, 9506:3.
To approach towards God d. to think about the Divine by means of the faith of charity, 6843.

Nebaioth (Nebajoth).
Nebaioth and Kedar d. those things which are of the spiritual Church, especially with the nations: shown, 3268, 3686.
Nebaioth d. the affection of celestial truth, or of spiritual good, 3688.

Neck (collum).
The neck c. to the influx of the Celestial Kingdom into the Spiritual Kingdom, 9913, 9914:2.
Neck d. influx, the communication of higher and lower things, and thence conjunction: shown, 3542:2;
the conjunction of interior with exterior things, in particular, of celestial with spiritual things, 5320, 5328:2.
Bonds of the neck d. a stopping, or interception, of good and truth, thus vastation, thus also bondage, 3542:4, 3603.
To fall upon the neck d. close and inmost conjunction, 5926, 6033.
To break the neck d. to separate and to throw out, 8079.
Stiff-necked d. not to receive influx from the Lord; why, 10429.
Pillows (cervicalia) d. the most general communication, 3695, 3725.

Neck, To Break the (decollare). See NECK.

Necklace (torques).
Necklace upon the neck d. a representative of the conjunction of interior things with exterior, 5320.
See also NOSE-RING.

Needlework. See EMBROIDERY.

Needy (egenus). See POOR.

Negative. See under AFFIRMATIVE.

Neighbour (proxrimus).
He who thinks evil against anyone is among infernals; he who thinks good is among the heavenly, 1680.
From the doctrinal statement of charity, not from that of faith, it may be known what the neighbour is; and the Ancient Church knew this; thus what the poor, orphans, widows, etc,, are, 2417:4.
Who is neighbour to those who are in the affection of truth; who is neighbour to those who are in the affection of good; and who is neighbour to those who are in evil, 2425:2.
The neighbour is every man, a society, a country, the Church, the Lord's kingdom, and the Lord above all things; thus what is good and righteous, 8123.
A good person is the neighbour; and in what manner an evil person is, 8120, 8121.
Good is the neighbour that ought to be loved: illustrated, 10336:4.
To love good and truth for the sake of good and truth is to love God, 10310.
To do good and truth for the sake of good and truth is to love God above all things and the neighbour as oneself, 10336:4.
Something concerning the neighbour, 3820:3.
Concerning the neighbour, 6703-6712, 6818-6824, 6933-6938.
It is supposed that everyone is equally the neighbour, when yet there are distinctions, 6704.
The ancients reduced the neighbour into classes, and taught in what manner charity was to be exercised towards one and another, 6705.
With Christians the Lord is He from whom the neighbour is, thus is the good which is from Him, 6706, 6711.
The distinctions of neighbour are according to the quality of good, thus according to the Lord's presence, 6707, 6708.
Each is the neighbour according to the quality of his love, because according to the quality of good, 6709;
illustrated, 6710.
Every man is the neighbour, but in a different manner, 6818.
A society greater or less is more the neighbour, with the like difference, 6819, 6820.
One's country is the neighbour still more; why, 6819, 6821.
The Church is even still more the neighbour, 6819, 6822.
The neighbour is loved if he is led to good, 6822.
The Lord's kingdom is yet more the neighbour, 6819, 6823.
The Lord is the neighbour above all, 6819, 6824.
How the case is with this: that everyone is a neighbour to himself, and should at first consider himself, 6933, 6938.
Everyone is a neighbour to himself, not in the first place, but in the last, 6933.
Everyone should provide for himself, that he might have the necessities of life, and be in a state to exercise charity, 6934.
If this be for sell in the first place, the end is evil, 6935;
illustrated by the fact that the body ought to be provided for, for the sake of the mind (that a healthy mind may be in a healthy body), and this ought to be imbued with wisdom, and thus be provided for, that it may serve the Lord, 6936;
illustrated also by a house, insomuch that the foundation ought to be the first, though habitation is the first and last end, and so the foundation is the means, 6937.
The case is similar with honours in the world, which are to be sought, not for the sake of self, but for the neighbour, 6938.
The Lord, in the supreme sense, is the neighbour, 2425:3;
and from Him is good, with discrimination, 3419:3.
The common good is the neighbour, and, in the supreme sense, the Lord, 2425:3.
The neighbour d. good: illustrated, 5067.

Nephilim (Nephilim).
The Nephilim were in the land of Canaan, 567.
They were called Anakim and Rephaim, 581.
Respecting the antediluvians in hell, see FLOOD.
Falsity with those who infest was direful before the Lord's coming, on account of the Nephilim, 7686:2.
The Nephilim were cast into hell by the Lord, when He was in the world, 7686:2.
Nephilim d. those who, from their own persuasion of height and pre-eminence, made nothing of holy things and truths, who also were imbued with dire persuasions, 581.
Rephaim, Susim, and Emim d. false persuasions, 1673.

Nerve (nervus).
Ends are represented by the beginnings of fibres; thoughts therefrom, by fibres; and acts therefrom, by nerves, 5189e.
Nerves d. truths: shown, 4303.
The nerve of what is put out upon the hollow of the thigh d. falsity, 4303:2.

Net (rete). See also SNARE.
A sieve, a network which was around the altar, d. the sensual: illustrated, 9726.

Nettle (urtica).
A place abandoned to the nettle d. vastated good; and a pit of salt d. vastated truth, 2455:3.
A place abandoned to the nettle d. the ardour and burning of man's life from the love of self, 10300:6.

Net-Work. See under ALTAR and NET.

Nigh. See NEAR.

Night (nox).
In heaven there are evening and twilight, but not night, which is in hell, 6110:6.
Night d. a state of shade, 1712;
also the literal sense of the Word, 3438;
obscurity as to truth, and also falsity, and the last time of the Church: shown, 6000;
damnation, 7851;
a state of evil, 7870;
a state of falsity from evil, 7947;
a state of obscurity, 8199.
It is night when it is the last time, and then there is nothing but falsity and evil, 2353.
What the first of the night is; it d. the first time of visitation, 2345.
The middle of the night d. total devastation, 7776.
The vision of the night d. obscure revelation: shown, 6000.
Day d. a state of faith, night d. a state of no faith, 221:2, 709.
The changes with the regenerated, as to voluntary things, are as summer and winter, but as to intellectual things, they are as day and night, 935, 936.
To pass the night in the street d. to judge from truth, 2335.

Nile, River (Nilus fluvius). See RIVER.

Nimrod (Nimrod).
What Nimrod s., 1175, 1179.

Nine (novem).
What nine or ninety-nine s., when they come before ten and a hundred, 1988.
Nine s. conjunction, 2075.

Ninety (nonaginta).
What ninety-nine s., 1988.
Ninety s. conjunction, 2075.

Nineveh (Ninive).
Nineveh s. falsities, but from the illusions of the senses, 1188.

No One, or None (nemo vel nullus).
No one, or none d. the purely negative, 5225, 5253, 5310.

Noah (Noachus). See also ARK.
Noah is so called from rest 851e.
The quality of the man of the Church called Noah, 736, 773.
Concerning those who were called Noah; what their quality was; they were like the Jews, fluctuating, 788.
How Noah was represented, 1126.
The nakedness of Noah is explained, 9960. See NAKEDNESS.

Noise. See BLAST.

None (nullus). See No ONE.

Noon. See Mid-Day.

North (septentrio).
The north d. an obscure state as to truth, in the good sense: shown, 3708;
and a dark state, thus a state of falsity, in the opposite sense, 3708:4.
What the north, south, east, and west signify, 1605.
The east and west d. states of good, north and south d. states of truth: shown, 3708.

Nose (nasus).
Continuation concerning the Grand Man and concerning the correspondence of smell and the nostrils, with him, 4624-4634.
They pertain to the province of the nostrils who are in general perception, 4624, 4625.
Holes appear to those who relate to the interiors of the nostrils; described from experience, 4627.
Who they are who relate to the mucus of the nostrils, and their quality; and they insinuate themselves insidiously with those who constitute the interiors of the nostrils, and are cast down, 4627:3.
What to breathe through the nostrils s., and what inspiration is, 96, 97.
The nose d. the life of good, from respiration, and from smell, 3103;
therefore a nose-ring was given to a bride, and placed upon the nose, 3103.
The wind of the nostrils of Jehovah d. life from the Divine, and heaven: shown, 8286.

Nose-Ring (monile).
Nose-rings and bracelets were given to brides; the nose-ring upon the nose sd. good, the bracelets upon the hand sd. truth, because these constitute the Church, 3103, 3105.
Ear-rings were tokens representative of obedience; and they were of two kinds, those which were worn above the nose and rd. good, which were nose-rings; and those which were worn on the ears, and which rd. actual truths and falsities, because they were of obedience, 4551.
Ear-rings d. the tokens of obedience and of apperception: shown, 10402.

Nostrils (nares). See NOSE.

Nourish, To. See To SUSTAIN.

Novitiate (novitius).
A certain novitiate, 1708.

Now (nunc). See under TO-DAY.

Number (numerus). See also To NUMBER.
Years and numbers do not signify years and numbers, 482, 487.
The most ancient people made a computation of ecclesiastical matters in numbers, 575.
Numbers s. spiritual and celestial things, 647, 648, 755, 813;
things, 1963, 1988, 2075, 2252, 10127:2.
Numbers in the Word s. things: illustrated, 4264, 6175, 9659;
references, 9488, 10127:2.
All numbers s. things: shown; and from experience, 4495:2, 5265:2.
Number d. the quality and state of a thing: shown, 10217:9.
Multiplied numbers signify the same as simple numbers, 5291;
exemplified, 5335, 5708, 7973.
The half of each number d. the corresponding quantity, as much as is sufficient, and somewhat, 10255:2.
What the number 666 s., 10217:8.
The numbers of the years of an age, in the Word, also s. things and states, 4670:2.
Mortals of number d. easily, 4518.

Number, To (numerare).
To number d. ordination and arrangement; and to number the Israelites d. to ordain and arrange the truths and goods of faith and love: illustrated and shores, 10217, 10218.

Numerous (numerosum).
Great is predicated respecting good; numerous, respecting truth, 2227.

Nurse, One who gives Suck, Suckling (lactatrix, lactans, lactens).
Nurse d. the insinuation of good: shown, 6740;
the insinuation of innocence by means of the celestial-spiritual, and also hereditary evil, 4563.
A suckling and one who gives suck, or a nurse, d. innocence: shown, 3183.
Sucklings d. those recently born, who have not yet gained Divine life, 4378.
To give suck d. to insinuate good: shown, 6745.
A land flowing with milk and honey d. pleasantness and delight, 6857.

Nurse, Wet (nutrix). See NURSE.

Nut (nux).
Turpentine nuts d. the goods of life corresponding to the truths of natural good, 5622.

Nymph (nympha). See BUTTERFLY and WORM.